Sunday, January 17, 2021

The AMAZING Biscoff Speculoos Cake!

Hello Everyone!

Here's your daily Not Quite Nigella email with my latest post. I hope that you enjoy it and feel free to pass it onto friends too if you think that they will like it :)

The AMAZING Biscoff Speculoos Cake!

Image: The AMAZING Biscoff Speculoos Cake!

Hands up who loves Biscoff or Speculoos? These spiced cookies and their accompanying spread have a cult following and for good reason. The mix of spices is juuuuust right and the spread is highly addictive. This multi layer cake is an ode to speculoos and Biscoff and for spice lovers everywhere. I called her Meera and she is a pushy recipe! Continue »

Best wishes,




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