Saturday, January 30, 2021

How to keep success from holding you back

Hey there,


Once we've set our sights on a goal, what do we crave most?


Progress, of course.


We want to see positive change and forward movement, which, we hope, will inspire us to keep going.


But that's not how it always goes. Progress can cut both ways because the satisfaction it produces can become complacency, a powerful catalyst for weakening willpower.


Instead of reinvigorating us for another charge into the breach, progress can lull us into following one step forward with two back.


This paradox has been demonstrated in a number of studies. For example, research conducted by scientists at the University of Chicago found that when people were led to believe they were closing in on their weight loss goals, they were 32 percent more likely to choose a chocolate bar for a snack over an apple.


I've seen this many times over the years, too. All too often, people use weight loss progress as an excuse to loosen the dietary reins and hinder further progress.


How can we guard against the slackening effects of success, then? 


According to another study conducted by the same team of scientists at the University of Chicago, we should avoid getting into the habit of flattering ourselves for all the work we've done.


Instead, we should view our wins as evidence of how important our goals are to us and how committed we are to seeing them through. That is, we should discipline ourselves to keep our eyes on the road, not slow down and take in the scenery.


This has been one of my personal "secrets" to success inside and outside the gym.


I've always remained more focused on what I still have to do to realize the future I want for myself and my family than on how far we've already come.


I've always strived to embody doing and becoming (present and future) over arriving and having (past).


I've always maintained respect for the process and fundamentals.


This philosophy has certainly increased the stress quotient in my life, but the payoff has been well worth it, and I don't just mean that in a financial sense.


In reality, the nonfinancial rewards, which can be summed up in one word—self-actualization—mean a lot more to me than the money.


YMMV and all that, but if you want to hear more of my musings on mastering the inner game of getting fit, check out my book The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation:


In the book, I share wisdom and insights from hundreds of scientific studies and scores of legendary artists, authors, entrepreneurs, philosophers, generals, and conquerors, as well as my own biggest "a ha" moments that have helped me overcome the things that were most holding me back.


Go for it!




P.S. Want some help building your best body ever? Here are 5 ways I can assist whenever you're ready:


⇒ 1) Want to be your own coach? Read one of my bestselling books for men and women.


⇒ 2) Want free workout and meal plans? Download my science-based diet and training templates for men and women.


⇒ 3) Want an easy boost? Add a couple of my all-natural sports supplements to your regimen, like a protein powder, pre-workout, or fat burner (and save 20% on your first order with code LEGION20).


(Looking for something else? Fish oil? Multivitamin? Post-workout? We've got it all, frando. Check out everything here.)


⇒ 4) Want personalized help? Check out my custom meal plan and VIP one-on-one coaching services.


⇒ 5) Want a free workout app? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced weightlifter, Stacked can help you gain muscle and strength faster.


And if none of that tickles your neurons, you might like all the simple, practical, and evidence-based teachings over at my blog, podcast, YouTube channel, and Instagram.

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