Monday, January 18, 2021

Statement from U.S. Census Bureau Director

Director Steven Dillingham announced his retirement in a message to staff and expressed his appreciation for their accomplishments.
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Statement from U.S. Census Bureau Director

Today, Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham announced his retirement in a message to the Bureau staff and expressed his heartfelt appreciation for their extraordinary accomplishments, especially those related to the successful 2020 Census. The Director also posted a blog which further responds to recent published comments and media reports regarding census data. 

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Director's Blog: Farewell

To the Outstanding Women and Men of the U.S. Census Bureau:

A little over two years ago, I took an oath to serve you as the 25th Director of the U.S. Census Bureau. At that time, we knew we had great challenges ahead of us, especially in conducting the most complex, technologically advanced decennial census ever.

None of us could anticipate that as we fully launched the 2020 Census, a global health crisis would upend a schedule and plans which had been carefully constructed over a decade. Nor would we anticipate the impact this crisis would have on our numerous vital household surveys and economic products which guide decisions across the public, private, and not-for-profit sector.

Many institutions demurred in the face of this pandemic, and it is easy to understand why. But you did not. You met this challenge head on and overcame it. You adapted operations to carry out the mission while following public health and safety protocols. You made great sacrifices to continue our work as you and your loved ones experienced the pandemic. You were resilient and persevered.

About the Census Bureau

We serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The Census Bureau is the federal government's largest statistical agency. We are a scientific organization focused on data. Policy-makers, businesses, and the public use our information to make far-reaching decisions.

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This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (  

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