Sunday, January 24, 2021

This is it!

Hey reader

This is a final reminder I'm sending you as a courtesy - 

(That way no one is mad at me if they go to register for the CFC 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge tomorrow and they no longer see an option to join for January.)

I can't extend the deadline anymore, so, this is your final chance to join us this month (and final email!) 

But I wanted to give you ONE LAST CHANCE to get 6 extra bonuses in a time where it really makes a huge difference.

Don't be worried about being late to the party, our expert Crusher Support and Accountability team are ready to help you! 

The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge gives you 30 Days of a PROVEN PLAN Plus Support that our Challengers RAVE about.  

Here's your link... but don't wait too long to use it!

"Having everything planned out made it SO much easier. My clothes fit better. When all was said and done I lost 14 lbs and 6 inches in 4 weeks. But most importantly I feel AMAZING." - Angie

Sign up today and get on track with Week 1!

"I’ve been with CFC for 9 months now and have lost 33lbs and maintaining it." - Judy

This is VERY Time-Sensitive because we start TODAY!

Sign up today and have all day to get your questions early before we start!

If you still have not decided to become a member of our 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, what are you waiting for?!

Do you want a plan, love the idea of making a change, but still on the fence?

Our Challenge was created as a simple, helpful way to incorporate Real Food into your everyday life.

Here are some thoughts from a few of our members:

"Join, join, join!! The ideas, the encouragement, the support is so worth it!!" - Ann

"I've been a member for 8 months while I have the tools and info to follow the plan I feel the accountability of the group makes all the difference." - Jenn

"This will be my seventh challenge, & have lost 50 lbs so far. I would buy a lifetime membership if available! I never want to go back to processed, GMO, sugar hell again." - Liz

I want to make sure you get your spot >>

"I've lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks. This is the least I've weighed in 2 years. I've lost 2 and a half inches in my waist, 2in in my thigh, and 1.25 in my hips.  I'm not spilling out of my bra anymore. I have more energy and I'm happier!  Most importantly I've become comfortable in my kitchen!  Thank you, Rachel, you've changed my life!"

Here's what is included with your CFC 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge membership:

* Our unique 4 Week Clean Eating Guide - Contains plenty of recipes and meal prep advice. 

During the first week, we will Detox all the junk, and in the following 3 weeks, we learn how to eat for life!

* Our 6 Winter Bonuses! (see them below)

* Shopping Lists for the 30 Days & BEYOND!

* Flexible Weekly Menu Plans

* Daily Email Support - Not cliches about dieting, but REAL facts & advice that works.

* Daily Meal, Mood, & Nutrition Tracker - So helpful!

* Private Online Community - THIS is where the magic happens. My team and I, (plus a small private group of amazing people doing the challenge just like you) will hold you accountable, be your supporters and cheerleaders. Many people doing the Challenge their 2nd and 3rd time, join us in the group too!

Learn more about how you can join us here -

I want to make joining us this month completely irresistible...

Not only are you getting the entire CFC 30 Clean Eating Challenge, but you're also getting these 6 bonuses:

1. Savory Slimming Soups eCookbook!

  • 50 Delicious Clean Eating Soup Recipes.
  • These Soup recipes are written with anti-inflammation in mind, therefore many will actually help reduce bloat! 

2. If that's not enough you're also getting our 12 Challenge Approved Smoothie Recipes eBook for Free.

  • 12 Quick and Easy Smoothie Recipes.
  • How to Make the Perfect Smoothie. 
  • Links to Blenders we Love!

3. Additionally, you're also getting our Clean Eating Travel Rescue Guide!

  • Tips for Eating Clean While Eating Out and Traveling!
  • Makes it easier to make Healthy Decisions while Dining Out. 
  • What to do when you can't seem to find something suitable on the Menu!

4. You're getting an easy to use PDF with dozens of Clean Eating SNACK ideas!  Super convenient!

5. Complimentary copy of Be Your Own Valentine -

  • A bonus 5 Day Meal Plan
  • Recipes
  • & a Shopping List.

6. Finally, you're getting our BRAND NEW Immunity Support Pack - Ready to boost your immune system through food? Here's your eGuide!

This is on top of everything already included in the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

You can get it all here:

I’ll eliminate the guesswork for you!

With nearly 50,000 people who have already gone through the program, I know that the Clean Eating Challenge works! 

"Down 40.5 in 7 weeks of Eating Clean! This is the best thing I have ever done for myself thanks to my wife! I was a junk food junky! Life is Great!" - Art

I hope to see you in the group!

<3 Rachel 

P.S. This challenge group is almost sold out, I highly recommend registering now so that you don't miss out. (All of our Challenges this year have Sold Out!)

I would love to keep you accountable, learn more today at:

If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020

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