Monday, January 4, 2021

Sadly, the deadline for this is tomorrow, [FIRST NAME]

Hi reader,

I don't know about you, but advice from my friends carries a good bit of weight.

They know the ins and outs of my life and have likely gone through something similar. That's why when they say, "Try doing this because that's what worked for me," I tend to listen.

Winter enrollment for 30 Minute Dinners closes TOMORROW (Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 11:59pm PST) and I want to share a few stories from our current members, so you can see first-hand how this course is changing lives.

They're eating better, saving money AND spending less time in the kitchen than ever before - it's absolutely incredible!

First up is Julia.  She's cooking for 5 people every night and the kids, husband and household chores are often a distraction when it comes to cooking dinner - which is SO common!

She's also been going through cancer treatment, and doesn't work as fast as she used to nor have the stamina to cook from scratch night after night.

Take a look at what she said:

(Be sure to right-click and download images to see what she said!)

Next we have Erin. She's also feeding a family of 5 and has tried some of the most popular meal planning services available… yet they weren't working for her.

She needed meal ideas that her kids would actually eat, and help with meal prep so her weeknight cooking was easier.

Take a look at what she said:

"I've used your meal plans now for 3 consecutive weeks and it's the first meal plan service that actually works well for our family's taste preferences and budget!

We were stuck in a rut with the go-to meals our kids eat, so it's nice to challenge them to some new tastes.

Plus, meal prep has been HUGE! It's helped me get organized, and the bulk of the time-consuming tasks are done over the weekend.
Now, either my husband or I can easily pull together supper each evening!"

Finally, we have Alicia. She's also feeding a family of 5 and has tried several meal planning services, but hadn't found one that worked with what she was needing, which was lots of details and step-by-step and hand-holding.

She also found herself getting stuck if she hadn't planned ahead enough… the kitchen would be dirty, which deterred her from cooking, which meant eating more often and spending more money.

Take a look at what she said:

"I've realized that I can make dinner in 30 minutes or less when I plan ahead.

When I have your meal plan, I don't have to rummage through recipes to see if I have all the ingredients on hand.

I'm making dinner regularly and that is new!

I don't dread cooking as much anymore now that I know I can get things done in 30 minutes or less!"

It's pretty amazing, don't you think? Yet these stories are not unique.

I've had the pleasure and honor of watching hundreds of lives being transformed by 30 Minute Dinners.

Regardless of your schedule, or the size of your family, or limited shopping options, or your full-time job, or your homeschool obligations, or your picky eaters or whatever else is standing in your way - 30 Minute Dinners can help you get dinner on the table FAST.

It's the step-by-step meal plan you need to not just do something, but to do something that WORKS.

♥ Tiffany

PS – Just in case you like to scan emails, Julia needed help getting dinner done quickly (since cancer treatment left her with low energy), Erin need meals her picky kids would eat (and that she could pull together on a busy weeknight), and Alicia needed a solid plan in place week after week (to avoid eating out as the default) - and 30 Minute Dinners is working for all of them.

Click HERE to read even more stories from 30 Minute Dinner members, and don't forget that Winter registration ends TOMORROW, January 5, 20201 at 11:59pm PST, so no procrastinating, mkay?

"This is exactly the kind of meal plan I was looking for -- clean eating, heavy on the veggies without being vegetarian, relatively frugal, tells me exactly what to do and in what order to get everything on the table in a reasonable amount of time."
- Marjorie

I respect your time and inbox, so if you no longer want to hear about 30 Minute Dinners, just click here to opt-out and you will still receive the weekly newsletter. Or you can unsubscribe from everything using the link below.

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