Wednesday, January 27, 2021

InboxReads: European Property, Classic Art, & Publishing Newsletters

This week brought huge news in the newsletter space with Twitter's acquisition of Revue. It's too ear
January 27 · Issue #158 · View online
This week brought huge news in the newsletter space with Twitter's acquisition of Revue. It's too early to say what changes that will bring but it's a good sign that larger platforms are paying attention to the email newsletter space and trying to get involved.
This week's featured newsletters cover the experience economy, property in Europe, startups, boxing, and more!

Articles & Tools
Twitter Acquired Revue
Don't clutter your inbox with newsletters. Use these awesome apps instead
The Everything Bundle is the latest to leave Substack for its own more robust technology
Free HTML Email Templates and Editor
Featured Newsletters
Book Catalyst Publishing
Daily Classic Art
Startups Crushing It!
Tableau Tea Break
The 13th Round
Cheap Property Europe
That's All
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