Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Diane Lost over 65 Pounds with CleanFoodCrush!

Hey reader

Annual-Member Diane Lost Over 65 Pounds with CleanFoodCrush!

You can read about her entire Clean Eating journey here - 


"Hello, my name is Diane and I’m 55 years old. I live in MN with my dog and two cats. In August 2016 while riding in NY, I was hit from behind by a semi-truck. I underwent 33 surgeries (all but two to my left leg) and, the damage to my leg left me disfigured and with limited mobility but, I am grateful to be alive.

I struggled with weight my entire life and the accident certainly didn’t help.  I had tried almost every diet plan out there and nothing ever stuck. I’d be successful for a while then gain it all back, and more. 

I joined the January 2, 2020 challenge and it was the best decision I’ve ever made!

At the end of 2020, I was down a total of 65.1 pounds! I still have more to go so I signed-up for another annual membership! I’m excited to continue my weight loss and health journey in 2021.

Because Of The Challenge:

  • I feel so much healthier!
  • I sleep better.
  • I have much more energy.
  • I’ve had to buy new smaller clothes.
  • I no longer suffer from indigestion.
  • I’m much happier and more confident.

If I could offer words of wisdom to anyone thinking about joining, I’d say “Just do it!!” Go into it with a positive frame of mind. Be willing to try new things because let’s face it, you wouldn’t be thinking about this if what you’re currently doing is working.

You can do this! It has taken me 55 years to finally get this figured out but now that I have, I’m not looking back!

-  Diane

Read about Diane's entire journey and share her success with your friends and family by email, on Facebook, or Pinterest.


I'm so proud of the progress Diane has already made in her short time with us!


❤ Rachel​​​​​ 

P.S. Our next 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge starts NOW

This is your chance to start 2021 STRONG!  After 2020, it's TIME!

You Get our January Challenge group PLUS 6 Bonus eCookbooks.

NOW is your best time to join!

When you Join Today, you will receive a FREE Copy of 6 of our most popular bonuses, including our 5 Day Holiday Restart!

Just what we all need after all the holiday snacks meals!

Let's spend the next month together with Clean Eating! 

Even if you did not stick to your resolutions in 2020, you can spend the next month following our Clean Eating Plan and start over.

We created this group to support you while you're enjoying the New Year!

This is going to be one of our best groups ever, our team and I are so excited to make progress with you. 

We have developed a plan that works. 

Want our Support and Accountability?

Ready to learn how to make Clean Eating a Daily Habit?

Want to see the benefits of eating Real Food EVERY DAY?

This plan is for you! 

Learn more, and join the hundreds of others starting the PLAN this month, at:


Let's stay accountable to each other!


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CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020

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