Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Delicious ways to feel better in 2021

And a delicious roasted courgette pesto pasta recipe
hello everyone
We're so excited to be kicking off our 5 Pillar of Wellness series. Over the next few weeks, we'll be looking at each pillar in more detail to understand the science behind them and their benefits. I'll also be sharing my tips for how I incorporate each pillar into my daily routine.

This week we are looking at plant-based foods and water. 
One of the positives of the current UK lockdown is that I'm finding more time to cook. I'm really trying to experiment a little more in the evenings once the girls are asleep, playing around with new recipes and ingredients and making feasts to brighten up gloomy January days. It's been fun tracking the different plant-based foods we're incorporating in our new tracker on the app too - last week I was up to forty-seven different foods which I was very proud of! If you're struggling to get lots of fruit, veg, nuts and seeds into your life then I hope these tips will help.

1) Keep your cupboards well stocked;
Having a good supply of staples means you can reach for a few ingredients, throw them together and make something delicious. Here is a list of my favourite plant-based store cupboard essentials.
2) Batch cooking; 
So you can cook once and eat two of three times from the same recipe. Recipes like our smoky black bean stew, our lentil Bolognese and our chickpea curry, for example, are easy to make in big quantities, so you can keep the leftovers in the fridge or freezer for a busy day.
3) Make sure to enjoy it.
A healthy lifestyle is a genuinely enjoyable one, one that you look forward to and that celebrates flavour, abundance, texture and colour – it's not a diet and should never be about deprivation. I love warming, hearty, spicy food, things like sautรฉed spices in coconut milk for curries and dahls, miso marinated roasted veggies, peanutty noodles and banana bread.

4) Use fruit and veg to help boost your water intake. 
Try and include lots of hydrating fruit and veg to help you get to your two litres of water a day, as staying hydrated is just as important as eating well. Herbal teas are brilliant too - we've been making lots of fresh ginger tea. Simply chop a few inches of ginger, bring to the boil in a saucepan, then simmer for 30 minutes and strain. 

Lots of love

Ella x
plant-based foods
some food for thought
Here are some interesting podcasts on how what we eat impacts on our mental and physical health:

1) How food affects our mood
2) Diet myths
3) The gut; why it matters
4) Five pillars of health

There's also so much more information on why we need to up our intake of plants and aim for those thirty different foods each week on our website.
find out more
roasted courgette pesto pasta
serves 6
roasted courgette pesto pasta
plant-based foods: 6
This pasta is a great dinner to make during the week. The courgette pesto tastes delicious with the roasted courgette, toasted walnuts, basil, garlic and lemon juice blended together, with the wilted spinach adding a freshness to the whole dish. We love to top this with some freshly cracked pepper and some more chopped walnuts.
recipe here
Coping with The Current Uncertainty
coping with the current uncertainty
The last year has been full of unprecedented, unexpected and uncertain moments, which have thrown many of us through a loop.

In this week's podcast episode we talk to Gelong Thubten, a Buddhist monk, about how we can sit with that fear, stop our minds racing ahead and projecting into the future, and find moments of calm even when the world feels upside down.
listen now
my lockdown lift: routine
I've found the first few weeks of lockdown quite hard. I struggled to get on top of a feeling of frustration, but a commitment to a routine has really helped. Getting up early, by 6ish, then coffee in bed while I feed May, getting showered and dressed before we get Skye up and getting out for a long walk as soon as I can. In the evenings I've been cooking a proper dinner, sitting down with Matt and having some quality time together, then facemasks and books in bed (committing to not bringing my phone into our room) before feeding May again and turning off the lights by 10pm so we get a good sleep. It's simple but it's really working for me.
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