Monday, January 4, 2021

A new year, a new look, and our new & improved app

And a pearl barley, cauliflower and almond salad
happy 2021 everyone
i hope you were able to get some time to recharge, eat some delicious food and slow down a little. i can't say there was much slowing down in our house, life with two under two is a constant whirlwind! we gave skye a little play kitchen for christmas and she's been so busy in there over the last week or so - a little chef in the making. i also bought a kitchen helper for her, it's an enclosed wooden stool, which she can stand on so that she can help me cook, which i love.

when it comes to what we cook in january, so many of us make healthy resolutions and aims. we want to help you make longer term positive changes to your health that last, rather than any kind of quick fix. i've never wanted deliciously ella to be too prescriptive – i can understand why some people are turned off from health and wellness as they feel it's out of their reach, too expensive, or too confusing. 

i've spent the last nine years researching and exploring health and wellness. in this time, i've been lucky enough to work with a wide range of scientists, researchers and thought leaders. we've wanted to condense our learnings in to a manageable tool to consolidate the five clear pillars that i believe constitute holistic health.

our 5 pillars of wellness: 

1) eating a wide range of plant-based foods, as part of a balanced diet, including at least 30 different plant-based foods each week
2) moving our bodies regularly, aiming for 150 minutes of exercise a week
3) engaging in mindful activities to control our stress levels and create calm in our lives
4) staying hydrated
5) consistently getting a good night's sleep 

it's one thing to say that we're committing to these practices and another to do it though. a fact that matt and i can both really relate to - having a business and two babies definitely doesn't always make it easy! to try and make this easier to attain, we're thrilled to be launching a new tool on to our app: my tracker. it brings together the large amount of recipe and wellness content on our app, and allows you to track your week to try and reach the goals we believe equate to true holistic health. it's not about calorie counting or weight loss, negativity or deprivation, instead it's about abundance, really looking after our mental and physical health, and nourishing ourselves. it's available within the app for no extra cost. we want health and wellness to be accessible, and the price is 99p per month.

alongside our new app product launch, we're so excited to show you a whole new look for deliciously ella. we've spent a long time looking at our various brand touchpoints and have wanted to create a more succinct and ownable set of brand assets. it's been a huge project for us and in many ways the new look is very similar to the earliest feel we had from our first book. we're really excited to show it to you we can't wait to hear your thoughts. 

we've got a lot lined up for 2021: so many new recipes, a new podcast season, new product launches, new country launches, and so much more. any questions, thoughts or requests please send them our way so we can be the best support for you.

once again, a very happy new year. i hope 2021 is a smoother ride.

lots of love,

ella, matt, skye, may and austin 

my tracker
my tracker
we're so excited to launch our new wellness tool, my tracker, serving up personalised weekly wellness plans across our 5 pillars of wellness, plus intuitive daily goal tracking. it isn't about striving for perfection; but instead about finding ways to fit small little practises of health into your everyday, which together will all add up to have a big impact both physically and mentally.

find it exclusively in our iOS app, and on android from the 15th january.
download the app
the 5 pillars of wellness
the 5 pillars of wellness
the goals set within my tracker are founded on the 5 pillars of wellness that i have found to have a positive impact on my own health - across food, hydration, sleep, exercise and mindfulness. we'll dig into each in more detail, sharing the research behind them, starting on the 12th january with a special podcast episode.

in the meantime, check out our app or website for more information.
find out more
things i'm loving
the midnight library
the midnight library
i've just finished the midnight library- admittedly it's taken me ages to get through (babies slightly slow down reading time!) but i've been reading a chapter or two most evenings and have absolutely loved it.
Louis Theroux's podcast, grounded
grounded, by louis theroux
i think he's the most brilliant interviewer and honestly love all of his work, but have been really enjoying his podcast, grounded, on my walks with may – she naps, i listen, it's heaven.
a delicious way to start 2021
pearl barley, cauliflower and almond salad
recipe of the week
pearl barley, cauliflower and almond salad
serves 2-4
this pearl barley and cauliflower salad is a perfect, colourful dish to kick the year off in the right way. the cauliflower is roasted in turmeric, chilli powder and cumin before being mixed through soft pearl barley, roasted butternut squash, almonds and parsley. the creamy yoghurt dressing is a delicious way to top it off and bring it all together.
recipe here
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