Thursday, June 27, 2024

➕ ➖ ➗ How to crunch the numbers for your own grocery budget

Hi reader,

Have you ever been in a situation where you think no one in the world could possibly understand because no one else has ever been in your shoes?

I know I have… and I’m also known to ignore good advice given by friends and family because I think (again) that they just don’t get it!

Enrollment for
Grocery Budget Bootcamp ends TONIGHT and I’ve seen too many people who need an extra bit of help, turn it away thinking it won’t solve their issues.

So here’s a bit of tough love… If you think this course won’t work for you, think again! ♥

To the rural homeschooler with food allergies and six kids...

Here’s Jennifer from Missouri:

“Before GBB, I didn't know how to meal plan or grocery shop. I wrote down basic needs and threw things in the cart that looked good, were on sale, or that I'd forgotten to put on my list.

We live in a rural area with few options for grocery stores, we’re gluten-free and can't eat many processed foods. I was spending over $1100 a month on groceries; however, I'm down to $700 and I believe I can get that down even further!!!

My husband bought me the PLATINUM course for Mother’s Day and within my first shopping trip, it paid for itself!!!!"  

To the mom living outside the US who wants to eat healthier food and feels like she’s already doing “all the things” to save money...

Here’s Mandi from Northern Ontario:

“I didn’t know if the system would work in Canada. We’re more aware of ingredients and the quality of meat and produce that we’re consuming, and I was afraid that our budget, which is very small, was going to go through the roof and healthy eating wouldn’t be a reality for us. However, with Grocery Budget Bootcamp, I’ve made that budget possible!

Before Grocery Budget Bootcamp our budget was $700/month. After, it’s $625/month which includes higher quality food. I'm so happy that better food is within our budget and totally attainable!”

And to anyone who is following an extremely restricted diet, has picky eaters, and/or feels like there’s no way this could work for you...

Here’s Jennifer, Jamie, and Lily.

“My whole mindset has shifted - I now see food as an area where we can save money, even with me following the AIP diet. I used to spend anywhere from $650 to $750 a month on groceries. After the course, I spent just $350, and that includes my restricted diet!” - Jennifer

“We've switched to higher quality food (meat, milk, eggs & mostly organic produce) that is necessary for our GAPS diet and managed to save about $200/month at the same time. I couldn't believe that we're eating better AND saving money!” - Jamie

“I've had a hard time putting it all together with one special needs child with specific dietary needs and food sensory issues, another child who is slow to try new foods, plus food allergies for most of us. This is the most thorough online course to help you dissect every part of your grocery budget, and it gives room for the unique needs of families that don't fit in the average family box. If you do the work, there is no way you CAN'T get a better grip on your grocery budget!” - Lily

You can see even more testimonials from graduates on this page.

You and I want the same things - we want to feed our families real food on a budget.

That’s why I’ve taught Grocery Budget Bootcamp to over 2,700 graduates, who have collectively saved over 20 MILLION dollars.

Enrollment ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT.

If you’ve been trying to get a grip on grocery budgeting...
  • to save more money on the healthy foods you need and love
  • to save more time (by streamlining how you plan and shop)
  • to eliminate the stress over affording healthier food choices (especially in today’s times)
  • to find a system you can actually stick with!!

... then Grocery Budget Bootcamp is for you.

Here are your next steps:

Click HERE to Register for the Course
2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving

If you think your situation really truly is unique, hit “reply” and let’s talk about it and see if Grocery Budget Bootcamp is right for you!

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you want (or need) to reign in your grocery spending, but feel overwhelmed with all the advice you find online, you’ll want to register for this course. The average student saves the cost of the course (and then some!) in the very first month AND we discounted the course just for YOU!! Registration closes TONIGHT!

Here’s the link again:

Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (ends TONIGHT)


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