Thursday, June 27, 2024

The 3 Ingredients You Absolutely Need πŸ₯—πŸ’ͺπŸ“ˆ

Before we dive in, here's a quick reminder: the Reset & Flourish Ultimate Bundle is 50% off until Sunday! You get my 3 most popular bundles for one insanely low price.

Purchase now!

Hey there reader!

Now, let's get to the good stuff – because this email is packed with juicy info.

I've talked to so many people about weight loss over the past decade. Seriously, like thousands.

One common theme keeps coming up: people (myself included) tend to overcomplicate the process.

It's understandable because some weight loss programs make it feel like you need a PhD to figure them out. And honestly, if I see one more person dancing in front of the camera, claiming to have the secret to 40lb weight loss, I might lose my cool. Just sayin. πŸ˜‚

πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️ But, I'm here to tell you, it doesn't have to be complicated! Weight loss is actually simple; you don't need a bunch of restrictions and formulas to make it work.

Sure, you need to put in some effort, but you don't have to break your brain trying to figure it out.

In fact, these are the only three ingredients you need to see results:

πŸ‘‰ An Organized Plan. πŸ“

Yes, I know that sounds complicated and serious, but here's the thing: change (especially big changes) doesn't just happen.

If it did, we wouldn't be spinning our wheels constantly and getting frustrated by the lack of results. Change happens with an organized plan, but organized doesn't have to mean complicated.

When I first started, these were the questions I answered to put my plan together:

✅ How much should I eat? 🍽️ I used MyFitnessPal to figure out the number of calories I should eat to lose weight. Then, I used it to track. By following that, I lost 6 pounds in the first week.

✅ What should I eat? πŸ₯— This is where people tend to overcomplicate things. But honestly, I didn't put any restrictions on food. I didn't gorge on Cheetos every day, but I filled my daily calories with clean ingredients, lots of protein, veggies, and some whole grains. Then, I prepped what I could ahead of time to make it easier to stay on track.

✅ When should I eat? ⏰ I put myself on a schedule to stop the grazing. It worked.

✅ When will I exercise? πŸ‹️ I carved out time in my schedule for 30-45 minutes of moderate exercise a week. Then, I planned for it so I could stick to it.

That's it! I put together a simple plan that created an environment to help me keep my lifestyle a priority.

πŸ‘‰ The next ingredient is taking action. πŸš€

Listen, I wish I could put together a plan, and it would magically happen. But in order to see any results, you need to take action. This means you actually have to follow through on your plan.

I'm not saying it's easy to break old habits and build new ones, but without action, you'll never move forward.

The first week or two are always the hardest. So, it's important to be mentally prepared to push yourself. πŸ’ͺ

My advice is to take small steps towards quick wins. πŸ† Then, layer on more habits and keep moving forward. ➡️

πŸ‘‰ The last (and most important) ingredient is consistency. πŸ”

To lose weight and keep it off, you can't meal plan sometimes, track food when you feel like it, eat healthy food occasionally, or work out only when time allows.

No, you need to consistently make all these strategies a part of your everyday lifestyle. That's the only way to change habits, lose weight, and keep it off.

Okay, those are the only three ingredients you need to get healthier and lose weight. Now, if you're thinking "easier said than done," know that I hear you.

πŸ™Œ But what if I provided the organized plan so I'll do all the hard work of putting together the strategies, meal plans, exercise plan, and everything else that goes into losing weight? Then all you need to do is take action and stay consistent with it.

Are you thinking, "Heck yeah, that sounds amazing!"? 🀩

Well, that's exactly what you'll find in the Reset & Flourish Ultimate Bundle.

⭐️ You'll get all my strategies, recipes, checklists, challenges, meal plans, meal prep day plans, exercise plans, and so much more.

⭐️ Everything you need to start, keep going, and succeed with your healthy lifestyle and weight loss goals is here! πŸ₯—πŸ‹️πŸ“‹

This Bundle retails for $89, but until Sunday, I'm offering it at 50% off! This means you get the entire shebang for only $44. I've never offered it this low, so this is definitely a steal! πŸ’Έ

You can go here to see exactly what's included in the Reset & Flourish Ultimate Bundle.

Or, if you're ready now, then jump right to the checkout page.

If you have any questions, just reply and let me know. 😊

Tammy πŸ’•

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