Saturday, June 22, 2024

Does this push your buttons?

Hi there,

Every parent has their THING.

The thing that pushes allllll their buttons.

For some, it's sassy back-talk. For others, it might be lying.

For me, it's dinner.

Because if I've just spent 30-45 minutes (and sometimes more) cooking you dinner, you can at least come to the table when called and be respectful to the cook (ie: no "gross" or "yuck").

So when my son went through a (very normal) phase where he wouldn't eat dinner when he was younger, I felt pushed to my parental edge.

But by putting a super simple policy into place--and adjusting my mindset--I got through it without running screaming from the table and out the back door. (I just thought about it instead.)

And even though that son is now a tween, that same strategy is still in place. We actually just used it the other night! Because he STILL doesn't always want to eat dinner.

It's a game-changer, and I'm sharing the details in this updated post. Tap the button below to read it:


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