Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The best way to save money πŸ’²πŸ’² when your situation is unique

Hi reader,

I sat down at my computer early this morning to open the doors to my signature course
Grocery Budget Bootcamp and I’m having a sense of deja vu.

That’s because every time I open enrollment for this course, my inbox goes CRAZY with excited new students, and I’m just doing my best to keep up with everyone!

Take Jamie for example, who said:

I am so looking forward to doing this course! I have grown a long way in the last six years from my first shopping trip as a newlywed, where I was in tears of overwhelm from not knowing what to buy (or what to cook for that matter), but our grocery budget has remained a struggle. I have three children now and have navigated many changing dietary restrictions due to health issues and children's allergies over the last few years. I meal plan regularly, but still am struggling to stay within our grocery budget, which is already higher than I want, especially with the inflating grocery prices. I want to learn effective and sustainable ways to feed my family on a reasonable budget, even while my family grows both in number and in their appetites!

Or Kate:

I'm excited to try new systems and ideas for meals. I've gotten your emails for years and would see GBB being offered and think "I should do that." And then I didn't because of the cost. And here I am, years later, and still not doing any better at budgeting on my own, spending too much every month on food. It's time to take the step. It's not going to get better until I do better. That means humbling myself, taking the plunge, and doing my best to learn the tools and tricks that I didn't know. Thanks for offering it to us again! The time has come!

Or Shannon:

I am so excited to take this class so I can learn to enjoy cooking again and feeding my husband and myself consistently with healthy meals and to have a plan to do it and save money. Not just winging it or dreading it. We are retired and it's important that we budget and know it actually works! I see all that you do and what it takes to make all this happen for us. I feel so blessed to have crossed your path to get this grocery-eating thing under control. I definitely need a plan! And I want to enjoy doing it. Save money, eat well. Win! Win!

Or Marjorie:

I'm most excited to "up" my grocery shopping game. I've been meal planning for years, and tried lots of different methods, but had this ongoing nagging feeling that I could be saving (more?) money if I just knew more. I bought the class to stop the trial-and-error way of doing it and just get the info I needed.

Or Suzanne:

I'm so excited about finding a budget I can stick to and still eat healthy food for the whole family (even the picky one)! I want to be able to save more money!

If you’ve been trying to get a grip on grocery budgeting...
  • to save more money on the healthy foods you need and love
  • to save more time (by streamlining how you plan and shop)
  • to eliminate the stress over affording healthier food choices (especially in today’s times)
  • to find a system you can actually stick with!!

… then you’ll want to check this out.

All the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp can be found on this page.

There’s an FAQ section on that page, but if you have a question and don’t see the answer, just hit “reply” and I’ll get back to you ASAP! 

Don’t delay though - enrollment is only open for 72 HOURS!

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you need an incentive to register today, you’re in luck! We discounted the course just for YOU, and you can use coupon code INFLATION10 to save $10 off enrollment TODAY!

On top of that, I’ll send you What to Stock in a Real Food Pantry and Simple Swaps that Save as welcome gifts!

The average student saves the cost of the course (and then some!) in the very first month!! Registration closes in just 72 HOURS.

Here’s the link again:

Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (ENDS IN 72 HOURS!)


Do you want to stop receiving emails about Grocery Budget Bootcamp? No problem! Just click here to opt out. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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