Tuesday, June 25, 2024

🎁 A special treat just for you!

Hi reader,

I’m so excited to share that registration for Grocery Budget Bootcamp is OPEN!!

If you’ve been struggling with the cost of groceries lately - and the “tips” you find online aren’t working anymore, then listen up. This email is for you.

Grocery Budget Bootcamp is a simple and straight-forward grocery budgeting system that:
  • got us out of $1000,000 in debt
  • helped us pay cash for a house and a farm
  • helped 2,700 graduates in 24 countries save over 20 MILLION dollars (and counting!)
  • works no matter where you live, no matter what you eat, no matter your shopping options
Grocery Budget Bootcamp is the only class that shows you EXACTLY how to eat real food on a budget…

And for the next 72 hours, enrollment is open just for you!

All the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp can be found on this page.

If you’re tired of paying too much for groceries and are ready to save money EVERY WEEK despite the rising costs of food, here’s what to do:

Click HERE to Register for the Course
2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving

Real quick, three things to note:

#1 - We discounted the course just for you! Food prices are up, but because you attended the workshop, you get pre-inflation prices!

#2 - There’s a coupon! Use INFLATION10 to save $10 off enrollment TODAY.

#3 - I’m sending over TWO bonus guides as soon as you join!
  • What to Stock in a Real Food Pantry is my personal cheat sheet for making sure I have specific ingredients in my pantry at all times so I can cook dinner without having to run out to the store for anything, even if I don’t like what’s on the meal plan.
  • Simple Swaps that Save lets me substitute foods on the fly for something cheaper, without changing the meal plan!

Here’s the link to register, or to learn more about Grocery Budget Bootcamp:

>> Grocery Budget Bootcamp

♥ Tiffany

PS - If you want (or need) to reign in your grocery spending, but feel overwhelmed with all the advice you find online, you’ll want to register for this course. The average student saves the cost of the course (and then some!) in the very first month!! Registration closes in just 72 HOURS.

Here’s the link again:

Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (closes in 72 hours)


Do you want to stop receiving emails about Grocery Budget Bootcamp? No problem! Just click here to opt out. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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