Thursday, June 27, 2024

πŸ€“ Don’t miss this: Best advice I’ve ever received about budgeting

Hi reader,

I’ve been stubborn my whole life, and apparently, I passed this gene on to my daughter. 🀦

I think this trait is great for building endurance, using willpower, and not giving up too easily… but it can have major drawbacks too.

When I was trying to figure out how to make real food fit within our meager grocery budget, I refused to ask for help and did TONS of research on my own…

And you would have thought with all the “10 tips to cut grocery spending” and “7 tricks to saving money on food” articles I found, we’d be saving money hand over fist!

But no… not even close. :(

With each search result, I was slowly pouring time and money down the drain, thinking I had found the magical cure to instantly make healthy food affordable for us.
  • First, I was convinced that meal planning would be the magic pill (and spent HOURS trying to mimic what other people were doing).
  • Then, I thought buying in bulk was the secret (spending my entire monthly budget in one trip at Costco).
  • Finally, I thought cooking everything from scratch would do the trick (wasting time, money AND energy on recipes that ended up costing us more)

As it turns out, making real food affordable isn’t JUST about meal planning or buying in bulk or cooking from scratch or any of the other money-saving methods you’ve heard of before.

It’s about using the methods that work for you, and using them in a very strategic way.

When I finally learned that lesson, THEN we started saving money like crazy!

I teach my simple and straightforward grocery budgeting system in my course
Grocery Budget Bootcamp, and over 2,700 students from 24+ countries with all sorts of dietary restrictions and limited access to grocery stores have collectively saved over 20 MILLION dollars!

It’s absolutely incredible, but here’s the catch: enrollment ends TONIGHT.

If you’ve been trying to get a grip on grocery budgeting...
  • to save time by knowing EXACTLY where, when, and how often to shop
  • to save money KNOWING you're paying rock bottom price for the food in your cart
  • to save stress over trying to figure out what to make for dinner every night
  • to find a system you can actually stick with...

… then you need Grocery Budget Bootcamp and you better hurry, because enrollment ends TONIGHT!

Here are your next steps:

1. Click HERE to Register for the Course
2. Open Your Welcome Email and Start Saving!

If you’re not sure if Grocery Budget Bootcamp is right for you, hit “reply” and let’s talk about it!

♥ Tiffany

PS - The average student saves the cost of the course (and then some!) in the very first month AND we discounted the course just for YOU!!

The average student saves the cost of the course (and then some!) in the very first month!! Registration closes TONIGHT! Plus, you can jumpstart your savings with two bonuses, What to Stock in a Real Food Pantry and Simple Swaps to Save!

Here’s the link again:

>> Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp (TONIGHT!)


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