Saturday, June 1, 2024

⚖️ Are you ready to lose weight? Another FREE Meal Plan! 🎁

Hey there reader πŸ‘‹

**Before you dive into this email (and snag the free meal plan), I just want to remind you that the Founder's pricing ($97 one-time fee for lifetime access) is coming to an end once we hit 500 members. We currently have 61 spots left at this Founder's pricing. Secure your spot and lock in that pricing below ⬇️**

Okay, let's get to the goodies! Free meal plan below!

If there's one golden nugget of advice I could give you about eating healthier and shedding those extra pounds, it would be this: embrace meal prep.

Honestly, it's the single most impactful habit you could incorporate into your lifestyle. It certainly has been a cornerstone for me! And why is that?

πŸ‘‰ Because meal prep is your ticket to ensuring that healthy, ready-to-go meals are on hand throughout the entire week.

The power of meal prep lies in transforming stressful mealtime decisions into effortless ones.

It's the difference between resorting to that same old box of mac and cheese (we've all been there) and serving up a delicious, veggie-packed chicken dinner or a hearty, high-protein crockpot dish on even your most hectic nights.

Having these nutritious meals at the ready isn't just convenient; it's a game-changer on your journey toward your weight loss goals.

πŸ›‘ But before you dive into meal prep, you need to create a meal plan. And not just any meal plan—it should be tailored to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Think of it as your food roadmap, providing structure and direction for success.

Here are my top tips for putting together a meal plan that will support your weight loss journey:

1️⃣ Set realistic weight loss goals: It's important to set achievable and healthy expectations for weight loss. Generally, a healthy rate of weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

2️⃣ Figure out your calorie game: Pin down how many calories (or other nutritional must-haves) you need daily to hit your targets. But here's the key: you want those calories packed with nutrients, not just filled with the empty stuff you'd get from processed foods.

3️⃣ Think quality over quantity – calories from lean proteins, vibrant fruits and veggies, and wholesome grains will fuel you way better and keep you satisfied much longer than a bowl of pasta or cereal ever could.

Keeping within these nutritional boundaries is important for making your weight loss goals a reality, and that's where smart meal planning and prep come into play. I'm a big fan of using My Fitness Pal to work out exactly what your daily calorie intake should look like.

4️⃣ Create a list of healthy recipes: Start by jotting down meal ideas for each day—that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks in between. My advice? Keep things simple and straightforward.

There's no need to dive into 15 new recipes every week. Instead, give those family classics a healthy twist. How about using ground turkey instead of beef on your next taco night?

⭐️And here's some good news: The Reset & Flourish Planner includes over 400+ healthy recipes, each with full nutritional breakdown courtesy of My Fitness Pal. Plus, every recipe comes with weekly meal prep and freezer prep instructions to simplify your life.

πŸ‘€ Let me give you a peek at a sample weight loss meal plan from The Reset & Flourish Planner, so you can see exactly the kind of meal plans you can expect when you join us.

➡️ Grab the FREE sample weight loss meal plan here.

5️⃣ Plan your grocery run: With your meal plan in hand, compile a grocery list and plan to do your shopping a day or two before your meal prep day. Trust me, trying to do both the shopping and the prepping in one day is a marathon you might not want to run — it's tiring and might just put you off the whole idea.

⭐️ Good news, though: The Reset & Flourish Planner automatically creates shopping lists. So, all you have to do is hit 'print,' and you're all set for a hassle-free shop!

6️⃣ Keep your meal plans and shopping lists handy: Life gets a whole lot simpler when you have meal plans and shopping lists prepared in advance. It's the secret sauce to maintaining your meal planning and prep momentum.

⭐️ With the Reset & Flourish Planner, you can effortlessly create, save, download, and even print out every meal plan. Plus, you get full access to every single one of our meal plans: past, present, and future. To sweeten the deal, I'll drop into your inbox weekly with the latest meal plan, complete with ideas for swaps and substitutions and a detailed guide for your meal prep day. All you have to do is shop and prep!

Here's what the shopping list looks like ⬇️

7️⃣ Get those meals prepped! You'll often hear me repeat: "What's the use of a recipe if it's not prepped in advance?" At least, that's my mantra.

Here's the deal: My schedule is jam-packed. There's hardly any room to whip up meals from scratch every evening. By the end of the day, I'm either drained from work or caught up in the whirlwind of my daughter's sports activities.

Without setting aside some time on Sunday to prep for the week, our dinner options would narrow down to frozen pizzas and endless takeout. Believe me, I've been there, and it was that very cycle that nudged me towards meal prep — a move that revolutionized my life. Not only did it help me shed 40 pounds, but it also slashed my weekly stress and freed up so much time.

⭐️That's why every recipe in the Reset & Flourish Planner comes with detailed weekly meal prep and freezer prep instructions. This feature really makes our meal-planning system stand out from the rest. Plus, the weekly meal plan email I personally curate for you is complete with a step-by-step guide for your meal prep day. If you've ever thought meal prep was a daunting task, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find out just how straightforward and manageable it really is.

8️⃣ Keep an eye on your progress: Utilizing an app like My Fitness Pal is incredibly useful for tracking your dietary habits, physical activity, and calories. If the results aren't aligning with your expectations, it's easy to make some adjustments to your meal plan. This might mean cutting back on calories, choosing foods with fewer sugars and carbs, or increasing your protein levels.

Keep in mind, the most effective meal plan is the one you can actually follow through with. So, aim for something doable, tailored to your lifestyle, and full of foods you and your loved ones genuinely enjoy.

The Reset & Flourish Planner is here to help you craft or choose from pre-made healthy meal plans that align with your weight loss goals or simply to maintain a healthy lifestyle!

Interested in diving deeper into what the Reset & Flourish Planner has to offer?

Check out the Virtual Tour I've put together. You might need to scroll a little to find it. πŸ‘‡

Just a heads-up, the window to join the Reset & Flourish Planner is closing tomorrow!

Do you have questions? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this email, and let me know.

Talk to you soon!

Tammy πŸ’•

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