Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Stats for Stories: February & March 2021

Official U.S. stats to help you tell stories about Irish Ancestry, Sunshine Week, FOI Day, Certified Nurses and more.
Registered United States Census Bureau Logo

February & March 2021


 Happy St. Patrick's Day. This week is Sunshine Week. Friday is Certified Nurses Day and National Poultry Day. Next week is National Agriculture Week. March is Red Cross Month and Frozen Food Month


Three friends celebrate St. Patrick's Day together at a restaurant.

St. Patrick's Day: March 17

One out of 10 Americans claim Irish ancestry. To commemorate St. Patrick's Day, we look across America to map Irish ancestry and see the places where Irish eyes are smiling.

America Counts Story


Sunshine Week & Freedom of Information Day: March 14-20 & 16

President Johnson signed into law the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act on July 4, 1966. The American Society of News Editors launched Sunshine Week in 2005.

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Certified Nurses Day: March 19

The 2019 American Community Survey estimated there were 2,523,490 registered nurses in the U.S. — 2,186,697 female and 336,793 male.

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National Poultry Day: March 19

The 2018 County Business Patterns program counted 524 poultry processing establishments in the U.S. with 246,713 employees earning $8.15B annual payroll.

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National Agriculture Week & Day: March 21-27 & 23

The 2019 American Community Survey estimated there were 468,808 farmers, ranchers and other ag managers in the U.S. — 411,859 male and 56,949 female.

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Stats for Stories (SFS) links you to U.S. Census Bureau statistics about current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. These newsworthy and timely stats will help bring your stories to life.

This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (  

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