Wednesday, July 20, 2022

✅ You'll need to do a little work.

Hey there reader,

Last weekend, I was chatting with a couple of friends about working, raising kids, and making healthy lifestyle changes. The consensus is it's overwhelming. Raise you hand if you agree ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป‍♀️

So, of course, I gave my best tips on meal planning, meal prep, freezer cooking, and all the fun stuff I talk about on my blog.

Anyway, one of my friends mentioned that all of that sounds like a lot of work and people don't like to do work.

I get it. We live in an instant gratification world, and we want things now, and with a push of a button - we want things to be easy.

We are creatures of habit, and it's tough to change old ways. I get it; I was there and often want to return to couch potato status.

๐Ÿ‘‰ But here's the thing. A real, sustainable healthy lifestyle change will require some work, and it's just how it is. If you don't put in the effort and do a little work every day, life won't change. For example, I can teach you how to prepare meals like a champ, but at the end of the day, you're the one who needs to do the work.

I'm not saying you need to give 100% daily - most people can't do that. Trust me; I don't give 100% all the time, and some days, I'm lucky if it's 20%.

But I know the difference between my 20% and 90% and the results of each of those efforts; I know what I look and feel like at both.

When I put the effort in, I feel great. My mind is clear, and I feel energized. My clothes fit better, my skin glows, and I feel confident.

I feel the exact opposite when I don't put the effort in. I'm sluggish, unmotivated, and nothing fits. I know that life is better when I put in a little extra effort to be healthy.

What exactly do I mean by work and effort?

  • I put together a simple weekly meal plan.
  • I prepare food for the week. A little meal prep goes a long way, even if it's just mason jar salads, fruit, and shredded chicken.
  • I exercise 3-4 times a week. I try to do it five times, but at a minimum, I do three days, even if I take a walk with pups.
  • I keep my house somewhat clean and organized. This keeps me out of the hot zone so I can focus on other priorities.
  • I write a to-do list, so I wake up with a plan each day.

These are just some of the things I do. I also practice other habits to keep my life out of the hot zone and focus on being happy and healthy.

I'm not saying I do all these habits all the time without fail; I'm human. But I do them more often than I don't so that I can keep up with my healthier lifestyle. I understand that putting in some effort over the weekend will make my weeks much more enjoyable.

So, I pick my work. Do I want to work a little hard on Sunday so I can have it easier after work during the week, or do I want to rush around trying to make dinner every day? That extra time on the weekend equals more relaxed time during the week.

When you're new to starting a new habit, it can seem overwhelming and like a lot of work. I thought that too when starting. But it's not. Often, we make the beast bigger than it is.

When you create systems and routines, you discover that life can be less stressful and more productive. You have energy and find the time to make a lifestyle that prioritizes health and happiness.

My advice is don't be afraid of a little work. Embrace it. Truthfully, it only feels like work at first because it's new. Old ways are comfortable, and breaking out of those habits can be scary. But it does get easier.

Actually, you get better.

Habits that were difficult at first soon become routine and a part of your lifestyle.

One last piece of advice is don't feel you need to overhaul your life in one day or give up because you fell off track. Take it one habit at a time and keep going.

Try to be 1% better than the person you were the day before. Soon going for a run will get you excited and you'll feel accomplished and relieved to see food prepped and ready for the week.

Have a great week!

Tammy Overhodd

Organize Yourself Skinny

PS. Check out the OYS 30-Day Reset & Flourish eBook Bundle. You'll get the four weeks of healthy delicious make-ahead meal plans, four weeks of exercise routines, and four weeks of easy habit challenges. Plus, the Organize Yourself Skinny ebook with all of my proven strategies for fitting a healthy lifestyle into your hectic schedule. Grab it here.

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