Thursday, July 21, 2022

Teachers Are Among Most Educated, Yet Their Pay Lags

Average teachers' earnings declining, lower than similarly educated workers. Learn more in this America Counts story.
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America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

Students consult with their teacher on their project of building a machine.

Teachers Are Among Most Educated, Yet Their Pay Lags

Although teachers are among the nation's most educated workers, they earn far less on average than most other highly educated workers and their earnings have declined since 2010.

More than 95% of elementary, middle and high school teachers have a bachelor's degree or more. In 2019, the average earnings of elementary and middle school teachers with a bachelor's degree or more who work full-time, year-round was $53,800. For high school teachers, it was $57,840.

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Just over one-half of elementary and middle school teachers and 58% of high school teachers also have a graduate degree. They still earn less ($61,130 and $64,340, respectively) than that of other equally educated workers. 

Young teachers and older/middle-aged teachers have lower earnings than most of their similarly educated peers.

Continue reading to learn more about:

  • Age and sex

  • Teachers' earnings, which declined since 2010

  • The data

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Teachers Are Among Most Educated, Yet Their Pay Lags

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