Wednesday, March 17, 2021

your groceries are marked up by 60% (here's how to save more)

Hi reader,

I have good news and bad news.

First, the good news...

My free, LIVE 7-day event called Grocery Savings Made Simple starts today and I'm BEYOND excited to share specific and strategic shopping strategies to help you have more at the grocery store.

Now, the bad news…

Registration closes tonight.

I wasn't originally going to "close" registration, but since each day of this training builds on the previous topics, it's important that we're on track together in order to get the most out of our time together.

(Even if that means having to catch up on a replay or two.)

So here's the deal:

If you're overwhelmed at WANTING to eat real food, but not knowing where to start OR frustrated at NEEDING to save money, but seeing the cost of real food as a deal breaker, then I'm here to help.

You don't have to choose between healthy food and money. You can have BOTH.

"Thanks for consolidating this great information. It's one thing to get bits and pieces of this knowledge and try to apply it when you can, but to hear it described so clean, organized and precise makes what you know invaluable!" - Michelle H.

"Lots of food for thought here, thank you! You've helped me understand WHY I keep blowing out my grocery budget even though I try so hard and shop between 4 different places each week. I feel encouraged and a little more informed and empowered – thanks a lot for sharing this freely." - Nicki

"Thank you so much for offering these strategies!! I knew there had to be someone out there with these tips. I am so glad to have the opportunity to learn more!!" - Rachel

"Thank you so much for sharing this. My family is one of "those" families that you were talking about at the end of the video, where we have the whole internet and all this information but don't know how to put it all together to make it work properly. Thanks for putting this together for "those" of us. ๐Ÿ™‚" - Jenny

I'm hosting this mini-class because now more than ever - in this season of constant change and uncertainty - there is a need to make healthy food affordable.

  • The same tactics that helped Rebecca save $100 on her next shopping trip...
  • The same strategy that prevented Carolyn from overspending on something that was supposedly "on sale"...
  • The same shopping method that gave Ann the confidence to cut her grocery budget by $400/month - and stick to it...

I'm teaching all of this LIVE, starting today, and you have FREE access to everything - all you  have to do is RSVP.

RSVP to save your spot through this link.

We'll send over the details as soon as you're registered.

My family and I have some interesting plans this year, so this is the only time I'm offering this training in 2021. Be sure to save your spot and I'll see you at the training!

♥ Tiffany

PS - Just over 4 years ago my husband and I made an all cash offer on our house. I mention this, because the strategies I'm teaching in this event are what allowed us to pay off our debt, build up our savings account, and buy a house - mortgage-free.

I'm 100% confident that this training can change the way you shop forever, and in turn, save you money every single month.

Be sure to RSVP to attend this free training - you can reserve your spot on this page.

Not interested in Grocery Savings Made Simple? No problem! Click this link to opt out of these emails. Don't worry, you'll still receive the weekly newsletters! Or you can unsubscribe from everything using the link below. 

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