Monday, February 26, 2024

The true impact of inflation on your grocery budget.

Hi reader,

According to the Washington Post, grocery prices have gone up 25% in the past FOUR years.

That means a shopping trip that used to cost you $100 now costs you $125.

A monthly budget of $400 is now $500.

Couple rising food prices with shrinking package sizes and it's enough to make you avoid the grocery store altogether!

Of course, that's not really an option for most of us. We all have to eat, right?

But y'all!! I'd be lying if I said I've never cursed a time or two under my breath while shopping thanks to sticker shock!!

But in just the past few weeks, I've had a major wake-up moment.

We can't control inflation.🤯

There are a lot of things we can control - like whether we choose to find a use for that wilty spinach in the fridge or pretend it doesn't exist a bit longer and end up throwing it away…

But the actual price of the things we want to buy? Out of our control.

Why do we spend so much energy complaining about how expensive food is - something we can't control and gets us nowhere…

When we can put that energy towards something we CAN control and will actually save us some money?

I'm about to open the doors to a BRAND NEW free training called Crush Inflation Challenge and it's going to be the most important training I give all year.

In just 5 days, I'll teach you how to beat inflation and save money by controlling the control-ables - where you shop, what you buy, what you spend, what you do with the food when you get home, and the system you follow each week to save money.

I want to hear what small changes you've made lately towards saving money. Those small steps add up!

But don't reply to this email!

Instead, go to this Facebook post (or if you prefer, this Instagram post), and tell me there.

♥ Tiffany

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