Wednesday, February 28, 2024

3 Top Tips to Make Habits Stick!

Hey there reader,

We all know that long-term lifestyle changes and weight loss result from changing habits. You knew that, right?

It has nothing to do with fad diets or restrictive lifestyle changes. Sure some of those things might work, but at the end of the day, a sustainable healthy lifestyle is built on healthy habits.

The habits you do from the time you wake up until you go to sleep are what will make the difference in your health and weight, not some restrictive diet.

I believe that what you do on the first day of your weight loss journey, you need to be able to do for the rest of your life. Not to say you won't need to push yourself with some lifestyle changes, but you need to stay consistent for changes to stick at the end of the day.

One of the questions I often get about habits is, "how do I make a habit stick?". This is a great question.

Healthy habits will only make a difference if they become a part of your lifestyle.

For example, meal prep is a weight loss habit I talk about all of the time. It can be the key to eating healthier and losing weight. However, if you only meal prep randomly, you won't experience the long-term benefits. You need to be consistent.

With that said, here are my top 3 ways to make a habit stick

👉 Don't try to overhaul your life in one day, week, or month.

When I started my weight loss journey, I had decades of bad habits to break. I didn't track my food, lived off frozen pizza and leftover mac n cheese, and barely exercised. I was a hot mess!

In October 2010, I started on this journey one habit at a time, okay, maybe 2 or 3.

  • The first thing I did was track everything I ate, which helped me get portions under control and open my eyes to the foods I was eating.
  • Next, I prepared my meals ahead of time. I started with simple recipes like tacos and shredded chicken and slowly added on more.

You don't want to feel overwhelmed and discouraged by taking on too much too soon. Pick a couple of habits, focus on those for a couple of weeks, and then add more.

👉 Track it

Life is so busy, and it's easy to fall back into old habits when you're not thinking.

You need to put that habit front and center when starting a new habit.

The best way to do this is by tracking it. This can be in the form of a food journal, phone reminders, sticking it on the fridge, or whatever it takes to keep this new habit a priority.

  • Tracking helps hold you accountable, make changes if needed, and celebrate after you follow through on that habit.
  • More importantly, tracking helps to keep you intentional. You start to think before you do and that in itself is a very powerful weight loss strategy.

Many of us got off track in life because we didn't want to think about it. Tracking takes the blinders off.

👉 Do it Everyday

There's a reason 30-day challenges are so popular. It's because you need about 3-4 weeks to form a habit, and if you can stick with something for four weeks, that will likely become a habit.

If you are struggling to eat healthier, I recommend tracking your food for 30 days; after 30-days, take a look at how your habits have changed.

Same with exercise. I find it powerful to start and keep an exercise habit when I do it every day for the first month. When I'm inconsistent, I begin to slack off and miss days.

When you are trying to create a new habit, I suggest doing it every day for 30 days. I recommend committing to something like meal prep every Sunday for four weeks.

🎉 Check out my popular 10-Day Healthy Eating Challenges Kit or my 30-Day Reset & Flourish Bundle to help jumpstart healthy eating habits and routines.

Keep in mind, when starting a new habit, your life is still programmed to fall back into old habits, so it's essential to take time to reorganize, as needed, to make it possible to work on your new habit(s).

A healthy lifestyle is built on a solid foundation of healthy habits, but that doesn't mean we're not human. I still get lazy, and I still eat pizza, and I still gain weight.

Remember, it's a process. When you change habits to healthier ones, you can eat that pizza and still wake up the following day, continuing with the healthier lifestyle you've created.

Tammy Overhoff

Ps. Hey, have you checked out my shop, Reset & Flourish? If not, let me tell you all about it!

At Reset & Flourish, you can find many helpful resources to help you fit a healthier lifestyle into your busy schedule. From freezer prep guides to 10-day challenges and eBooks, there's something for everyone. And that's not all! I'm also creating workshops and courses that will make healthy living more manageable. I'm constantly adding new resources to my shop, so check back often. Check out the Reset & Flourish Shop!

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