Saturday, July 3, 2021

Panisse recipe

DavidLebovitz Update

Panisse recipe
David, 02 Jul 08:29 PM

Way back in 2008, probably before some of you were born, I posted a recipe for Panisses, chickpea flour fritters. They weren't so well known outside of the south of France, and even in Paris, people don't really know what they are. So it was fun introducing these Mediterranean specialties to a wider audience, even if some readers were scratching their heads as to how to get the main ingredient; chickpea flour.
Nowadays, with gluten-free baking more popular, chickpea flour is easy to get and a recent trip to Marseille, where they're sold at seaside stands (like the one above), prompted me to make them at home again, and update the recipe with additional tips I picked up.

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