Friday, July 30, 2021

Big News! Big. Huge.  🎉🎉🎉

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we have news....

We are super excited to bring back our Friday newsletters, full of fun things from around the world, the internet, and of course, my own life that I want to share with you all.

This week, let's start with the biggest news of ALL (no, I'm not pregnant)

It feels like Dinner, then Dessert is having a baby, though, because I can finally share that my cookbook is available for pre-order!

YES. A Cookbook! So many of you have emailed me (some of you weekly!) asking me when I'd be writing a book. Well, I am thrilled to finally tell you a secret I've been holding onto for 2 years.

And look at this amazing cover!

Click cover to see the book's profile on the Harper Collins site.

This has been such an incredible experience, and I cannot wait to share the final product. For now, this photo is the Easy Breezy Pot Roast recipe that was selected for the cover, and guess what? It's only THREE ingredients.

Here's a picture of it before cooking:

When I say that I made this cookbook with the busy home cook in mind, I mean it! 

It's been such a journey to get this book to print, and I think you're going to love it all. I will share more as I can, including some other fun book-related events, but for now get your pre-orders in!

Let me know your thoughts about the book announcement; I'll be hanging out by my phone all morning hoping to see excited responses! 
Here's some of the other things I am enjoying this week....
- I just started to read The Vanishing Half, after having it on my bedside table forever, and am really liking it so far!

- I also just dusted off my exercise bike again, and have found that wearing some fun bike shorts makes the ride more comfortable and gets me motivated to go for a little longer.
- Why did no one tell me about Megababe sooner? I have been trying for years to find the perfect deodorant that doesn't have aluminum and still works, and I have finally found The One.

- Caffeine is my best friend, but drinking coffee all day long is problematic. Seltzer, on the other hand... 

- Tracking only bits of the Tokyo Olympics, but have to say that Suni Lee's story definitely had me crying!

- Just had a friend going through a rough time and unfortunately she doesn't live nearby where I could drop off some food. This company saved the day; she said it was all really delicious!

- Finally, anyone else dreaming of travel? I keep bookmarking vacation rentals in wide open spaces, but would also take drinks out of coconuts ;) 

Have a great weekend everyone!
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