Wednesday, March 3, 2021



Currently February 2021

Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:22 AM PST

Currently February 2021

28 days of February. Kinda flew by, didn’t it? I dunno maybe it didn’t I don’t really know what time is anymore. This month I tried to spend as much time outside as possible. The weather cooperated! Spring is on its way here. You can see what February looked like in 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017. 

Let’s look inside of my Currently Workbook!

The secret to being love is to LOVE!

A whole bunch of love! 

And we break it down!

I’ve been practicing drawing all of the good things that happened to me!

Huggy cuddles are keeping me alive!

Let’s break it down!

I opened up all of my Currently Workbooks so far to reflect!

Let’s get into February:


My Everyday Life Week 6 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Inspired By:

  • My garden
  • Moving stuff around the house
  • Growth!

My Everyday Life Week 7 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of


  • The Way Way Back
  • Map of Tiny Perfect Things
  • Saved by the Bell
  • Goliath
  • Expecting Amy
  • Fargo
  • Anna Nicole Smith documentary
  • Idiocracy
  • Surviving Death
  • Coming to America
  • Workout videos




Thriving as an Empath

Designing Your Life

Thinking About:

2021, the summer, my Mom and how life is just not the same without her. I feel so sad that Cooper doesn’t have a grandmother in his life. His only grandma is in Idaho and we don’t get to see her often. 

Listening To:

On repeat:

This song makes me happy. 

This song helps me feel feelings.

This song is so cute. 

Dream Life:

Dream life…hmmm. I’ve been all over the place. Living in SF in my dreams… I don’t remember a ton of dreams but I did have this one dream where I opened up a page in an old book and a picture of my parents fell out. I got to see them in love and happy in their 20s. I think I cried happy/sad tears in my dream. 


I made a vegan version of my mom’s meatloaf (twice!). Gonna share it in March.

Matcha afternoons.

Nepalese food in Emma’s backyard.

Fettucine with Truffle Butter!

Fettucine with Truffle Butter

We got takeout!

My Everyday Life Week 7 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I made sausage bread and turned it into a C.

My Everyday Life Week 7 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I also made a loaf of bread!

My Everyday Life Week 6 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I decided to get my burrito WET for some reason. The leftovers were amazing.

My Everyday Life Week 6 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Sweets from my sweets!

My Everyday Life Week 7 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I got some meal prepping in!

My Everyday Life Week 6 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I shared this Granola Bark recipe I’m obsessed with.

Granola Bark - Shutterbean

Sausage Bean Bake for comfort!

My Everyday Life Week 6 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

More meal prep!

We journeyed to Oakland for amazing chicken sandwiches. 

Imperfect Food orders helped me avoid grocery stores!

Eating what I grew! Italian Parsley!

Kale pesto for DAYS!

Self Portrait for February

Have a great March! 

xo Tracy



The post Currently February 2021 appeared first on Shutterbean.

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