Sunday, March 21, 2021

News from Shihoko at Chopstick Chronicles

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It's been raining all week in Brisbane, Australia. I can feel Autumn has arrived in the atmosphere, and the temperature has dropped down ๐Ÿ. I am very excited to harvest in 5 days, my first ever squash that has been growing in my backyard !   

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Soba Noodles are getting more and more popular outside of Japan because of its healthiness and delicious nutty flavour of the noodles. Though not all soba noodles are the same and unlike many beliefs, they are not all gluten free. Learn about Soba Noodles in the new post. 

Also I updated my go to lunch or dinner main dish - Japanese rice bowl. They are called "Donburi" in Japanese and they are super easy and quick to make! 

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If you haven't already, we're extending an invitation to join my Facebook page. And it's FREE to join!

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Thank you for following Chopstick Chronicles' Instagram account. It reached the 10K milestone! Thank you! 


Stay tuned for more in the next newsletter!

Lots of love,

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