Wednesday, March 3, 2021

InboxReads: Is Email Tracking Necessary? + Finance & Sports Newsletters

How do you feel about tracking in emails? A necessary metric or an invasion of privacy? With email p
March 3 · Issue #163 · View online
How do you feel about tracking in emails? A necessary metric or an invasion of privacy?
With email providers like actively disabling them, it makes email metrics like open rates less reliable anyway. Should newsletter creators focus on other metrics instead?
Let me know what you think.
This week's featured newsletters cover SaaS ideas, financial knowledge, digital privacy, sports, and more.

Articles & Tools
this email is being tracked
How Finimize grew to over 1 million email subscribers
When a group of friends buy a music newsletter
The only marketing email in your inbox that's actually fun to read The only marketing email in your inbox that's actually fun to read
Featured Newsletters
No CS Degree
Mellow Wisdom
Micro Saas Idea
Market Madness
The Polymerist
Awesome American Sports
The Gist by Finny
Privacy Skills
Ball and Order
That's All
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