Wednesday, March 17, 2021

InboxReads: Facebook Paying Writers + Board Games & Bitcoin Newsletters

Facebook is planning on paying writers to use it's newsletter product when it launches. Substack alr
March 17 · Issue #165 · View online
Facebook is planning on paying writers to use it's newsletter product when it launches. Substack already does to secure high profile names but Facebook definitely has the money to lure writers away. Will it be successful or will writers be wary of Facebook?
This week's featured newsletters cover content ideas, climate policy, writing habits, management tips, and more.
P.S. I'm always looking to improve InboxReads and make the website and newsletter more useful to you. I'd love to get your thoughts in this quick survey to help plan what I work on next.

Articles & Tools
The Secrets Behind Morning Brew's Growth to 2.5 Million Newsletter Subscribers
Newsletter Creators' Strategies
Facebook will court independent writers to its Substack competitor with paid deals
The only marketing email in your inbox that's actually fun to read The only marketing email in your inbox that's actually fun to read
Featured Newsletters
Kommon People
The First 100
Politically Invisible Asians
Fun Problems
The Held Report
Daily Writer
The Restart Report
See You Next Week
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