Wednesday, March 10, 2021

GAIN Reports from Tuesday, March 9, 2021

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The following Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports were released on Tuesday, March 9, 2021.


Argentina: Livestock and Products Semi-annual

Argentine beef exports in 2021 are forecast at 770,000 tons carcass weight equivalent, 50,000 tons lower than in 2020 on lower slaughter inventory due to negative margins, with overall exports heavily dependent on China's demand and market recovery from covid impacts. Cow-calf operators are benefitting from high calf prices. Domestic beef consumption is at a record low to the benefit poultry and pork products.


Australia: Livestock and Products Semi-Annual

The Australia beef industry is finally showing signs of entering a much-anticipated herd rebuilding phase. This has firmed FAS/Canberra's 2021 forecasts of lower cattle slaughter, cattle exports, beef production, and beef exports. With a reduced breeding herd and more females expected to be retained for breeding in 2021, overall cattle slaughter is expected to fall for the second straight year. Beef production in 2021 is forecast to reach 2.075 metric tons (MT) carcass weight equivalent (CWE), down 2 percent from 2020 and the lowest level since 2003. This is expected to lead to another year of declining Australian exports in 2021, down five percent from 2020 to 1.4 million metric tons (MMT) (CWE). Pork production for 2021 has been revised upwards by FAS/Canberra to 425,000 MT (CWE), a one percent increase from the 2020 result of 419,000 MT (CWE). The improved forecast is due to reduced feed costs after the end of the drought, as well as strong pork prices.


Bangladesh: Bangladesh issues Packaged Food Labelling Act 2017

On May 9, 2017 the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority released the Packaged Food Labeling Act. As of March 7, 2021, Bangladesh has not notified the regulation to the WTO SPS Committee. This report contains an unofficial translation of the standard.


Bangladesh: Bangladesh issues Regulation on Food Safety 2017

On June 7 2017, the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority released the following Regulation on Food Safety (Chemical contamination, toxin, and harmful residue), 2017. As of March 7 2021, Bangladesh has not notified the regulation to the WTO SPS Committee. This report contains an unofficial translation of the regulation.


Bangladesh: Bangladesh issues Use of Food Additives Act 2017

On March 15, 2017 the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority released the Use of Food Additives Act. As of March 7, 2021, Bangladesh has not notified the regulation to the WTO SPS Committee. This report contains an unofficial translation of the standard.


European Union: Livestock and Products Semi-annual

Despite the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic and the further spread of African Swine Fever in wild boar westwards into Germany, EU pork production and exports broke a record in 2020. In 2021, a new production record is forecast which is anticipated to lead to increased competition on the global market. With a further contraction of the cattle herd, EU beef production is anticipated to continue to fall. Consumption and imports of high-quality beef were significantly cut due to the closures of the food service sector in 2020, but are forecast to recover in 2021.


Hong Kong: Hong Kong Terminal Operators Gearing up to Serve International Trade

Hong Kong's world class port infrastructure facilitates the city maintaining its status as a hub for international trade. Equally important is the availability of efficient soft infrastructure. U.S. exporters are encouraged to take note of Hong Kong's efficient container terminals in their deliberations on exporting agricultural and food products to the region, particularly for perishable goods which require sophisticated and reliable cold chain services.


Japan: Livestock and Products Semi-annual

Cattle stocks are projected to expand in 2021 as the pace of slaughter slows after a strong 2020. Slightly lower carcass weights are expected to keep beef production stable at around 475,000 metric tons (MT). Beef imports will struggle to rebound from a slow 2020 amid sluggish foodservice demand. Swine stocks are projected to expand in 2021 on increased sow retention as robust market prices in 2020 support stable production at 1.3 million MT. Pork imports are projected to plateau after a strong 2020.


Morocco: Morocco Amends Order on Phytosanitary Inspection for Imported Products

This report contains an unofficial translation of Morocco's Order No. 3140-20 on phytosanitary inspection of plants, plant products, and other items at import, including wood packaging. This order amends and supplements the order No 593-17 (August 8, 2017).


New Zealand: Livestock and Products Semi-Annual

New Zealand beef production for 2021 is forecast at 681,000 metric tons (MT), six percent less than the 2020 total, which reached a record volume of 727,000 MT. 2020 production was boosted by fourth quarter adult cattle slaughter that was the highest on record for that period, nine percent ahead of the next highest fourth quarter slaughter. This has reduced the potential number of cattle available for slaughter in the first half of 2021. As a result of lower production, beef exports in 2021 are forecast at 600,000 MT carcass weight equivalent (CWE), six percent less than the total for 2020 of 637,000 MT CWE. It is likely that the aggregate volume of beef shipped to China and the United States will continue the trend established over the last two years and account for over 70 percent of all New Zealand beef exports.


Turkey: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Turkey's total production of oilseeds covered in this report (soybean, sunflowerseed and cottonseed) in MY 2021/22 is projected to increase around 18 percent to 3.1 MMT compared to MY 2020/21. This increase assumes improved yields because of adequate rain and an increase in planted area. Turkey's sunflowerseed oil imports and exports went up significantly in MY 2020/21 because of the increasing refining activity of Turkish companies. Turkey also increased its crush capacity with imported soybeans in 2020. Turkey struggles with food inflation because of corona virus measures, which is exacerbated by a weak Turkish Lira and high international commodity prices. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry approved new genetically engineered (GE) soybean and corn events for feed in January and February, 2021.


Ukraine: Livestock and Products Semi-annual

Ukraine's livestock inventory continued on its three decades-long downward trend and will remain on it in 2021. Declining cattle numbers will lead to lower Ukrainian beef and live animal exports. Although swine numbers increased somewhat by 2021, this increase is expected to be short-lived. Squeezed between weakening pork prices and skyrocketing feed prices, Ukrainian pork producers will not be able to sustain this growth throughout 2021. Pork imports are expected to grow to compensate for a drop in pork production. Overall, the impact of COVID-19 on Ukrainian red meat production and trade has been insignificant, although Ukrainian domestic market distribution channels changed notably.


United Kingdom: United Kingdom- Fish and Seafood Market Update 

This report contains information about the United Kingdom's fish and seafood market. It provides an overview of the sector and historical context including key information and statistics about production, imports, exports, impact of Brexit, and main UK policy.


United Kingdom: Scottish Snapshot 

This report provides a summary of the history of Scottish devolution, and the process of passing legislation in the Scottish parliament. It includes details on trade, agricultural production and further opportunities.


For more information, or for an archive of all FAS GAIN reports, please visit


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