Thursday, March 4, 2021

Do you love online grocery shopping? Want to know what I think?

Hi Reader,

Do you shop for grocery items online?

I do like to buy some items online. I like it even more when I can get better deals online than I can at local stores. Bonus if I can get free shipping too! 

After all, online ordering is convenient and it allows me to...

  • save money on gas.
  • avoid long lines and wait times in the store.
  • save time so I can have fun doing other things! 

However, sometimes shipping costs are expensive! Plus, many items have higher prices just for the convenience of buying online. 

So, I receive a lot of emails from readers asking for recommendations on the best website to find healthy grocery staple items online. 

Other than using Amazon, I usually tell them that I've also used Thrive Market - and I really like it! 

So, I thought I'd share with you today, my Honest Thrive Market Review in case you, too, were looking for an online grocery recommendation. 

Let me know which online grocery sites you like to use! Just hit reply. I'd love to hear!


♥︎ Tiffany

PS - Did you register for my free, LIVE 7-day training event?! This event is only happening ONE TIME this year, and it's important that you RSVP to save your spot (and so we can send you the workbook!).

I love what Jean had to say, because it's EXACTLY how I felt when I finally figured this all out too.

"I learned some of these things years ago (by trial and error) when we went through some hardships. I wish I had someone back then tell me this - it would have saved me a lot of grief!" - Jean

If you need to improve your grocery shopping technique to save on groceries, you won't want to miss this training!

Here's the link to reserve your spot in Grocery Savings Made Simple - LIVE. 

We'll have replays available for those who don't have a Facebook account or want to view the training later. 

Not interested in Grocery Savings Made Simple? No problem! Click this link to opt out of these emails. Don't worry, you'll still receive the weekly newsletters! Or you can unsubscribe from everything using the link below. 

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