Sunday, March 28, 2021

200 reasons (and powerful benefits) to consider being more stubborn

Hi reader,

I have a confession to make… I can be just a wee bit stubborn. ;)

I knew this was the case growing up, but my daughter is a tween and she's stubborn too and OH MY GOODNESS, I don't know how my parents survived, LOL.

While I'm a pain in the butt, this stubbornness has its perks.

You see, several years ago when I was trying to figure out how to make real food fit within our meager grocery budget, I did TONS of research....

And you would have thought with all these "10 tips to cut grocery spending" and "7 tricks to saving money on food" articles I found, that we'd be saving money hand over fist!

But oh no… not even close. :(

What WAS happening was that I was slowly pouring time and money down the drain, thinking I had found the magical cure to instantly make healthy food affordable for us.

  • I was SO convinced that meal planning would be the magic pill (and spent HOURS trying to mimic what other people were doing).
  • And then I thought buying in bulk was secret (spending my entire monthly budget in one trip at Costco).
  • And then I thought cooking everything from scratch would finally do the trick (wasting time, money AND energy on recipes that ended up costing us more)

As it turns out, making real food affordable isn't JUST about meal planning or buying in bulk or cooking from scratch or any of the other money-saving methods you've probably heard of before.

It's about using only the methods that work, and using them in a strategic way - as a complete system. Being stubborn, I never gave up, so when I finally learned that lesson, THAT'S when we started saving money like crazy!

And not only was I saving money, but I was saving time, and I wasn't stressed about being able to afford healthy food for my family!

After spending SIX YEARS teaching and testing this system, I know my system works because others are getting the same results that I got!

I teach my simple and straight-forward grocery budgeting system in my course Grocery Budget Bootcamp, and enrollment is only open for a few more days…

But I have good news!!

This weekend only, I'm giving you my Dinner in Under $10 Bundle as a free bonus when you register for Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

When we're working hard to make real food affordable for our families, we turn to the proven techniques that have stood the test of time, like meal planning and reducing food waste and cooking from scratch (among others).

But there's another technique that can boost your savings right off the bat, and this bonus walks you through this technique, showing you exactly how your meals cost, so you know exactly where to reduce spending.

I'm confident that this bonus can save you $100 right away, and it's my free gift to you, just by enrolling in Grocery Budget Bootcamp this weekend!

Click HERE to get your free gift and enroll in Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

Don't forget - this FREE BONUS expires TONIGHT (Sunday, March 28).

If you've been trying to get a grip on grocery budgeting...

  • to save time by knowing EXACTLY where, when, how often to shop
  • to save money KNOWING you're paying rock bottom price for the food in your cart
  • to save stress over trying to figure out what to make for dinner every night
  • to find a system you can actually stick with...

… then you need Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

Register for Grocery Budget Bootcamp using this link.

I look forward to seeing you inside the course!

♥ Tiffany

PS - Enrollment closes soon, so I want to make sure you knew these few things before it's too late:

  • Enrollment is only open for TWO more days.
  • This is the ONLY class I'm teaching this year. The next course registration won't be until 2022, at the earliest.
  • Your free gift Dinner in Under $10 Bundle is included when you register TODAY (Sunday, March 28).

Click HERE to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp and start saving $100 this weekend!

I respect your time and inbox, so if you no longer want to hear about Grocery Budget Bootcamp, just click here to opt-out and you will still receive the weekly newsletter. Or you can unsubscribe from everything using the link below.

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