Thursday, March 20, 2025

👉 You tell me - does this sound too good to be true?

Hi reader,

I spent YEARS researching Google and Pinterest and blogs and read every single article you can possibly imagine on saving money on real food like it was my job, because in a way, it was.

But I had no idea how all those “ways to save money” worked together.

I was a busy stay-at-home mom with two little ones and was lucky to take a shower before my husband came home from work. I didn’t have time to shop at multiple stores AND cook everything from scratch AND make meal plans AND AND AND…

I needed a brain-dead-easy system that I could follow every week, where I could get by doing only the things that mattered (and ignoring what didn’t apply to me), and confidently know I was saving money.

That system didn’t exist, so I created it myself! It’s called Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

Your special invitation to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT.

My goal is for you to save enough money to cover the cost of the course before the course is even over, and these graduates are proof that it’s possible:

Bethany from Tennessee: “I was spending close to $900 a month on groceries for a family of 6 with two special dietary needs (sugar free for one and dairy free for 4 of the 6) and so far have saved at least $250 since using your program!”

Rebecca from Ohio: “Before I started Grocery Budget Bootcamp I spent $1,069.81. One month after starting class, I was down to $555.72! Now that I’ve finished, I’m down to $330.94!! This system really works!!”

Lauren from Tennessee: “I just got a shot of inspiration as I realized that this month I spent $549 on groceries - and the month before was $1145! Reducing spending by over 50% the first month is a huge win no matter how you slice it!”

Amanda: “Before GBB I would spend $1200. I’m not even halfway through the course and I saved $300, and last month was my cheapest grocery month yet - less than $650!”

Shana: “Just did the numbers: Spent $1200 in February (plus $700 eating out), $700 in March (plus $370 eating out) and spent a mere $480 in April (plus $50 eating out). Wow! Now what to do with our extra money!?! Thanks Tiffany!”

Jelinda from Texas: “I've already saved $306 dollars and that was just in the first full month of grocery budget bootcamp!”

Kristin: “With what I learned, I cut my grocery budget down by $300/month!”

Pam from Kentucky: “We have gone from spending over $1000/month on our groceries this past January to spending just under $500 in May!“

Kristen: “I've saved $300 in January just from the first two weeks! I'm looking to reduce it by another hundred by the end, and I'm sure it's very possible!”

Leah from Victoria, B.C.: “Before Grocery Budget Bootcamp, I spent $500 on groceries. Now I spend $350… but I’m still not done with the course yet!”

These are just a handful of graduates, and I’d say I met my goal with one exception - YOU.

Your special invitation to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT.

Heads up - there is a STRONG possibility that this is the last time we'll offer the PLATINUM level of GBB. PLATINUM comes with LIVE teaching and coaching and personal accountability. If you need that level of support, I wouldn't wait to register!

Now is your chance to stop the trial and error of seeing what works, and instead, follow a simple system that is PROVEN to save you money every single month.

Here’s how to get started:


  1. Click HERE to register for Grocery Budget Bootcamp.
  2. Download the Substitution Guide that comes in your welcome email.
  3. Login to the course and start working on Lesson 1.

Enrollment is open until TONIGHT and registration won’t open again until further notice.

Click HERE to register today and let me show you how easy real food on a budget can be!

♥ Tiffany

PS - It’s only Week 3 but Grocery Budget Bootcamp students are ALREADY slashing their budgets… I want this for you too! I’ve opened enrollment for just 72 hours - click here to join today. Once this registration ends, it won’t open again!

Here’s your link to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

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