Friday, March 21, 2025

Say Goodbye to Diets!

Hey reader

Are you tired of riding the dieting rollercoaster?

You followed your restrictive diet so "perfectly" all week that by Saturday, the stress & pure hunger took over & you ate half an extra large pizza in 15 minutes, followed by loads of guilt and frustration.

Before you knew it, you packed on an extra 5 lbs over the weekend.

By Monday, that diet was non-existent, and all of the effort you had made was for nothing. 

Months later you try a new, even more restrictive diet, and tell yourself it will be different, only for nothing to change. 

It's time to break free from the dieting cycle and discover a more sustainable, more enjoyable way to achieve your healthy goals.

Introducing Quit Dieting Forever, a comprehensive program that teaches you the art of mindful eating.

With mindful eating, you will learn to:

- Tune into your body's hunger and fullness cues

- Savor your food and enjoy the experience

- Develop a healthier relationship with food and your body

- Break free from emotional eating and cravings.

Unlike traditional dieting, mindful eating and Quit Dieting Forever isn't about restriction or deprivation.

It's about cultivating awareness, self-care, and self-love.

We show you how to follow a meal plan, include bliss meals, and how to lose weight without all the stress.

Dieting is so counter-intuitive because it triggers stress, which is exactly why we "cheat" on our diets.

Quit Dieting Forever includes:

- A comprehensive guide to mindful eating. (8 weeks of lessons.)

- A 60-day meal plan with delicious, whole-food recipes. (2 Months' worth of Traditional and Vegetarian plans.)

- A community of like-minded individuals for support and motivation (This is where the magic happens.)

- Ongoing accountability, support, and guidance to help you stay on track.

- and so much more!

Ready to quit dieting forever and start living a healthier, happier life?

Start your journey to mindful eating today... do not miss out on this opportunity to break free from the dieting cycle.

Join us today and start living the life you deserve!

Our Quit Dieting Forever Program starts on Monday, March 24th!

This will be our only QDF session of 2025, and you're running out of time to sign up.

We only have room for 12 more amazing women to join us and receive an instant 80% discount. 

Not sure if you're ready to join? 

Reply back to this email and ask our CRUSHer support team any questions you have before making a decision! 

We're here to help you. 

But, remember with only 12 spots left, we're going to sell out and run out of space soon. 

So act quickly. 

We would love to work with you for the next 2 months and show you how to never be on a diet again!

If you’ve been stuck in a rut and cycle of diet, binge, repeat, it can start to feel like there’s no escape.

Seeing the results of your hard work can take some time.

While a diet may feel like the shortest route to the best solution, it ends up leaving your body hungry and depleted.

There’s a better way!

Healing this cycle and creating a healthier body, mind, and soul starts with just the first step!

But where do you start?

Our Quit Dieting Forever program is designed to kickstart your new habits and routine through a 60-day plan!

We're including 8 weeks of lessons, support, coaching, recipes, and meal plans in Quit Dieting Forever.

It’ll be full of meaningful moments, new learning opportunities, and a community of like-minded people focused on helping you be the best version you can be!

Everything about Quit Dieting Forever is designed with you in mind!

My team and I will help you learn how to nourish your body and create a sustainable plan for the future.

Best of all?

We're going to use our proven system of backing this product with our CRUSHer team and community so that you get the most value and knowledge out of your program as possible! 

The only session of Quit Dieting Forever in 2025 is starting March 24th.

Here's another reason why you should sign up today...

The sooner you join, the sooner you can join our online community. 


Want to see exactly what we will cover in Quit Dieting Forever? 

Here's a preview of the exact table of contents from the main Quit Dieting Forever guide. 

But that's not it, we're including over 25 eBooks and a Private Facebook Community with Quit Dieting Forever! 

When you join Quit Dieting Forever, you will receive:

- The Quit Dieting Forever eGuide. - 8 weeks of re-learning how we think about food. 
- Traditional Recipe Guide for each month. - You'll never run out of meals to cook!
- Vegetarian Recipe Guide for each month.
- Food Diary. - Easily track your daily intake.
- 8 Weeks of Suggested Traditional Meal Plans and Shopping Lists.
- 8 Weeks of Suggested Vegetarian Meal Plans and Shopping Lists.
- Rachel's Quick Start Guide. - I made sure you can take action on the lessons learned!
- Advanced eWorkbook on Intuitive Eating.

- Bonus #1 - A Private Online Community to Share Help and Ideas.
- Bonus #2 - 8 Habits for Building Body Confidence eBook.
- Bonus #3 - Daily Lessons and Motivation from Rachel Maser within the Community.

Everything will be accessible through our easy-to-use online Membership portal!

What are you waiting for?! 

It's time to start feeding your body the right way, so you have all the nutrients you need for a day.

Ready for your body to be seen as the amazing machine it truly is?

Ready to Quit Dieting Forever? 

We have listened to your feedback by keeping QDF as affordable as possible and included a payment plan on the program. 

Think of how much money you will save every month with healthier habits!

Now for the catch... 

There is only room for 12 more Members in Quit Dieting Forever for 2025, and CleanFoodCrush is followed by millions of people online!

So space is limited. 

We want to make sure everyone can get their questions answered and get the attention required.

The only way to guarantee that you save your spot for 2025's Quit Dieting Forever Community is to sign up today:

I'm so excited for you to join us and work with my team and me!

Make it a great day!

<3 Rachel

And if you have any questions, just reply and let me know!

My team would love to help you! 

If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020, US

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