Friend, Did you know that as many as two-thirds of young people think that America is irredeemably racist? Another equally alarming poll: 52% of young Americans have a favorable view of socialism. That doesn't happen by accident. It's the result of a systematic effort to brainwash young people into hating their country, hating capitalism — and fundamentally, hating themselves. Rather than counting themselves lucky at having "won the lottery" of living in America, young people are being infected by envy, resentment, and victimhood. To protect my OWN children from this mind virus, I turned to the best inoculation ever created: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. On a cross-country road trip with my then-young family, I decided we'd listen to the audio version of Rand's novel. At first, the kids would complain and whine about wanting to play their crappy music — and I'd let them for a little, but then we'd go back to the novel. Well, after about two hours of rapt listening, I decided to give them a break and put their music back on. To my delighted surprise, they clamored: "Oh no, don't stop! We want to keep listening!" At the time, I remember thinking, "Wouldn't it be great if there was an organization that could introduce young people to Ayn Rand's ideas at scale?" Well, guess what? There is! That organization is The Atlas Society, a 35-year-old nonprofit that engages young people with Ayn Rand's ideas in wildly creative ways, including graphic novels, animated videos, edgy social media, online courses, and student conferences. Donate to The Atlas Society Today >> I know this because it's been run by one of my dear friends, Jennifer Anju Grossman (who goes by JAG), for the past decade. She and I go back three decades, to when I was the Senior Economist — and she the Senior Writer — on the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform. We bonded over our shared commitment to supply-side economics and our shared passion for Ayn Rand.  In fact, back when I was at the Wall Street Journal, I wrote an op-ed entitled "Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years." It was a time of massive welfare spending and bailouts, the exact kinds of disastrous policies Rand parodied in her novel. Well, the article must have hit a nerve because it prompted more reader responses than any of the thousands of others I've written. The editor of the Journal told me it was the most popular article that year. For the uninitiated, the moral of Atlas Shrugged is simply this: Politicians invariably respond to crises — that, in most cases, they themselves created — by spawning new government programs, laws, and regulations. These, in turn, generate more havoc and poverty, which inspires the politicians to create more programs… and the downward spiral repeats itself until the productive sectors of the economy collapse under the collective weight of taxes and other burdens imposed in the name of fairness, equity, and "the common good." When readers asked Ayn Rand if Atlas Shrugged was a prophecy, she replied: "Atlas Shrugged is not a prophecy of our unavoidable destruction, but a manifesto of our power to avoid it if we choose to change our course." That's why I've joined forces with The Atlas Society. They're the most effective organization out there encouraging young people to choose to change course. They are on a mission to introduce 1 BILLION young people to the life-changing ideas of Ayn Rand and inspire them to reject collectivism in favor of freedom and individualism. Through engaging graphic novels, captivating videos, and live events, The Atlas Society reaches millions of students with Ayn Rand's timeless principles. That's why, today, I'm asking you to make an investment in liberty by supporting The Atlas Society's efforts to educate the next generation. Will you join me by giving $50, $100, or even $250 to ensure Ayn Rand's ideas continue to inspire young minds? Donate The battle for freedom is as much an intellectual fight as it is a political one. Today, we face a generation steeped in hostility toward capitalism, individual liberty, and the principles that have made America a beacon of prosperity. We must counter the false narrative that profit is evil and success is shameful. The Atlas Society uses cutting-edge technology to bring Ayn Rand's heroic ideas to life and inspire young minds with her philosophy of reason, achievement, and ethical self-interest. They created an AI model to transform live-action into animation and produced an animated book trailer for Atlas Shrugged. It attracted over 12 MILLION views across platforms and doubled purchases of Atlas Shrugged in the ensuing weeks! This success inspired them to invest in similar animated trailers for The Fountainhead and ANTHEM, along with videos about the philosophy of Objectivism. With your help, the Atlas Society can spark a revolution of ideas to counter the dangerous allure of socialism and collectivism. Your generosity today will ensure The Atlas Society continues inspiring millions to embrace individual liberty, self-reliance, and achievement. Will you join me in supporting this vital mission? Donate $10 Donate $35 Donate $50 Donate $100 Donate $250 Donate $500 Donate $1,000 Donate Any Other Amount In many surveys, Atlas Shrugged is rated as the second-most influential book of all time behind the Bible. Ed Crane, Founder of the CATO Institute, deemed Ayn Rand the "all-time greatest recruiter for the liberty movement." Today, we have an incredible opportunity to reignite that progress and unleash the potential of a free society. But it starts with you. Every dollar you give fuels The Atlas Society's mission to challenge the status quo and empower the next generation to embrace freedom and prosperity. You can help The Atlas Society instill a passion for reason, individual agency, and liberty in the next generation. Donate today to help The Atlas Society reach the rising generation with the principles of liberty! Your contribution of $10, $35, $50, or more helps them create innovative methods of shaping young hearts and minds to fight for liberty. Donate Thank you in advance for your support,  Stephen Moore Economist, Author, and Freedom Advocate The Atlas Society is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization. All donations are tax-deductible. |
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