Thursday, August 29, 2024

The story of our universe told in everyday language

Our modern world explained during a round of golf 

Have you ever wondered why everything around us fits together the way it does. Or why we're the fortunate inheritors of a very rare planetary oasis that has the ability to create, evolve and support lifeforms such as ours. Given that human life on Planet Earth started as recently as 200,000 years ago, how have we been able to make such giant strides in our knowledge of the world around us from the largest to the smallest scale. Knowledge that has enabled us to put people on the Moon, look inside atoms and  given us  the vast range of technological marvels that are so much a part of our everyday life. 

18 Holes of Quantum Golf tells the story of a golf match between two senior citizens, Bob and Alec, who've been best pals since their first day at school. As they play round the couse they chat and explain how our modern high tech world has evolved from its early days  2,800 years ago in the Greek City-State of Miletus. It was there that an erudite Greek called Thales opened an academy which  taught that there are rational explanations for the events happening around us rather than invoking the ancient myths, superstitions or passing whims of Greek Gods.  The golfers  describe how our knowledge has grown, sometimes in baby steps and occasionally  in  giant leaps by geniuses such as Aristotle, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and many other deep thinkers. Most importantly, the story is told by the golfers in their  normal everyday language with no technical jargon for the reader to puzzle over. It's an epic story with an unusual sting in the tail.

'18 Holes of Quantum Golf is a story that shows the true value of friendship. It's a book that encourages passion toward one's goals in life and I love how the author used two senior citizens playing a round of golf to highlight the importance of caring, friendship, love and most importantly, to explain how science has enabled us to gain a better understanding of the world around us. Also, I loved the addition of humour in between the lines of the story which adds to the point that the golfers are explaining. As a lover of history and a science enthusiast, tho' not a golfer, this was a delightful read. The book is in plain English with no technical jargon and will be educational for people who want an easy introduction to the growth of science and the many impacts it has had on our modern world.' - Reviewed in Online Book Club.

The book can be purchased as an e-book, paperback or hardcover at -

p.s. This book also makes an ideal  birthday present for a golfer which can be delivered direct to the recipient.

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