Thursday, August 1, 2024

President Bush and President Obama join America250

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America250 is excited to announce that President George W. Bush, Mrs. Laura Bush, President Barack Obama, and Mrs. Michelle Obama will serve as Honorary National Co-Chairs of the national effort to celebrate and commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the United States.

As Honorary Co-Chairs, President and Mrs. Bush and President and Mrs. Obama will lend their voices to the nationwide effort to mark this historic milestone.

The momentum behind America250 has never been greater. We look forward to working with the presidents and first ladies to ensure that the 250th is a celebration for all Americans, from sea to shining sea.

President Bush and President Obama are leaders with unique American experiences. Collectively, their platforms, voices, and stories will inspire Americans across the country to join together in celebrating America’s 250th.

As Presidents and First Ladies of the United States, their stories are foundational to the American story. We hope that their unique voices will help encourage everyone to participate in this pivotal commemoration.”

-Rosie Rios, Chair, America250

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