Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It's never going to be the right time

Hey there reader

This morning I want to talk about timing. I often hear people say, "it's just not the right time for me to start a lifestyle change."

Some excuses I hear are:

  • I'm busy at work
  • I'm going through a divorce
  • My kids are in a million activities
  • I just lost my job
  • I'm getting over a cold
  • I can't focus
  • and many more.

I'm not saying these reasons aren't valid, but I can say this - if you wait for the perfect time to start a lifestyle change, it will never happen.

It's never going to be the right time.

Sure there might be better times than others, but at the end of the day, there's no time like right now to make changes. Tomorrow is not promised, and yesterday is gone.

More importantly, stress will always be a factor in your life. So if stress prevents you from eating healthy, exercising, and other healthy habits, then it might be time to look at how you cope with stress before anything else. We need to get you out of the "hot zones."

Also, I think a big misconception with losing weight is it's all or none. If you can't completely change your lifestyle at once, then why bother?

I understand this mindset because there was a time I thought that too. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Take it one habit at a time. Start small and build on that habit once you feel comfortable. I think you will discover (because I did) that most weight loss habits and strategies take a small amount of time, but they create organization and reduce so much stress in your life.

So if stress is a factor, then changing your habits to healthier ones will help.

For example, life is easier during the week when I take a couple of hours to meal prep on the weekends. I might not have time to prepare an entire meal plan, but if I make a batch of steel-cut oats, mason jar salads, taco meat, and shredded buffalo chicken, then I'm good to go.

A little meal prep is better than none. Not only am I eating healthier but less stressed because I don't need to worry about food during the week.

I'm better focused when staying hydrated by drinking water and green smoothies. I keep this simple by making green smoothie freezer packs and staying close to my water bottle.

These habits have tremendous results and take very little time or effort. If you struggle with focus and exhaustion, it could be as simple as drinking more water.

I feel stronger and have more energy when I exercise 3-4 times a week. I know it's hard to find time to exercise, but I make it a priority because of the positive effects I have, both mentally and physically.

I exercise in the morning before work to get it out of the way. But you can exercise during a lunch break or after work - it's about making it a priority.

If you struggle with stress and anxiety, exercise can work wonders for you, and I know it does for me. I'm happier and can cope with stress better when I get a good sweat on.

You might not think you have the time to make significant changes in your life, and maybe you don't. But I bet you have the time to start with small changes.

✅ It only takes one habit to begin your weight loss journey.

Here are 5 of my favorite weight loss habits. Remember, you don't have to do them all, just choose one and get started today.

  • Track food. Sign up for My Fitness Pal and start paying attention to the food you eat.
  • Drink water. That's easy enough. Get a water bottle and focus on drinking 8 (8-ounce) glasses of water.
  • Eat an apple for a snack. Simple, but if you're not getting fruit in your diet, this will help.
  • Complete 25 sit-ups, squats, and modified push-ups every day. I'm sure you can find time for this.
  • Don't eat after 7:00 pm. This is my favorite way to curb night-time snacking.
  • Start a 10-Day Healthy Eating Challenge - My FAVORITE Way to Jumpstart healthier eating habits.

There's never going to be the perfect time to start healthy lifestyle changes. However, I know, a year from now, you'll be grateful you jumped in and finally started.

Now get to it!

Tammy Overhoff

Organize Yourself Skinny

Ps. Hey, have you checked out my shop, Reset & Flourish? If not, let me tell you all about it!

At Reset & Flourish, you can find many helpful resources to help you fit a healthier lifestyle into your busy schedule. From freezer prep guides to 10-day challenges and eBooks, there's something for everyone. And that's not all! I'm also creating workshops and courses that will make healthy living more manageable. I'm constantly adding new resources to my shop, so check back often. Check out the Reset & Flourish Shop!

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