Thursday, August 29, 2024

how to find the best non-toxic all natural soap

Hi reader,

I used to have this habit of reading labels while in the bathroom.

You know how most conditioners say to "let sit on hair for up to 2 minutes?" Well, I didn't know what to do for 2 minutes so I took up reading the ingredients on everything in the shower!

I started this in my teen years, back when I had no idea any of those ingredients were dangerous and the mere idea of soap causing cancer would make someone laugh.

I like to think I'm a bit wiser now, and I pay close attention to not just what we put IN our bodies, but what we put ON our bodies too.

Because as it turns out, your skin is your largest organ and what you put on it matters!

If you've been looking for a non-toxic, all natural soap, you know that your options are limited.


  • There are products labeled as non-toxic, but a quick read of the ingredients proves them to be liars.
  • There are products labeled "all natural," yet they're using artificial fragrance, artificial hormone-disruptors and surfactants that actually CAUSE irritation.

I've tried nearly every brand on the market, and there's only one brand that I know is 100% non-toxic, 100% natural AND 100% takes care of my skin: Bend Soap Company.

For YEARS I struggled with acne and tried every product on the market. Little did I know that a bar of goat milk soap would be the only thing that worked!

Bend Soap Company rarely has sales, but I love their soap so much that when I asked a while back for a coupon code, they gave us one!

And just recently they increased the discount amount!! YAY!!

Use coupon code CRUMBS15 on a first time order to get 15% off.

If you've been a customer for as long as I have, then don't forget to use their quantity discounts when you stock up. 


  • SOAP35 saves 5% on orders that are $35 or more
  • SOAP65 saves 10% on orders that are $65 or more
  • SOAP100 saves 15% on orders that are $100 or more

Those discounts are applied automatically at checkout. Plus, orders that are $65 or more after discounts are also eligible for free shipping!

>> Here's the link to start shopping and stock up for awhile!

They have an almond line that we LOVE, and their seasonal scents are AMAZING!

Wishing you beautiful and healthy skin,
♥ Tiffany

PS - I've been a long-time supporter of Bend Soap Company, back BEFORE we visited their farm in 2014! They're a small, family-run business and aren't able to offer coupons often, but because YOU love them so much and have been supporting them too, they were happy to create a coupon for us that never expires!

Shop here and use coupon code Crumbs15 to save 15% on your entire order with NO expiration date! YAY!!!

(Please note: The coupon code and the tiered discounts cannot be combined.)

If you no longer want to hear about Bend Soap promotions, that's ok! Click here to opt out of future emails about goat milk soap. You'll still get our weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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