Monday, July 22, 2024

​​​​​​​Do you ever get something stuck in your head? 

Hi reader,

Meal planning is on my mind.

Even after blogging and teaching about real food on a budget for 12 years…I still get emails and DMs DAILY about HOW to save money on food!! (Which I LOVE!)

And my answer is always the same: Start with a meal plan.

The truth is, you won't save a lot of money on food by using a few tips and tricks found on the internet. And lady miss so and so influencer has wonderful things to share, but are they practical for YOU?

A meal plan truly is the basic beginning for saving on food.

Once you start to plan:

  • With the food in your pantry 
  • With recipes that suit your family's needs
  • With a solid shopping list
  • And with the mindset to stick with it…

You will save on groceries! And goodness knows, we all need that savings these days!

I also know how overwhelming it can be if you've never meal planned, or you don't know what recipes to use, or you've tried it and it just doesn't seem to work.

I have good news!

In just a couple of weeks, I'm hosting my favorite Meal Planning Made Easy challenge. I'm going to cover the hows and whys of meal planning and give you the practical tools to get you started.

It's FREE. It's 5-days. It's sent via email with LIVE teaching in a private Facebook group. We start August 5th!!

> Click here to reserve your spot for the challenge. 

My team and I are SO PUMPED for this, and can't wait to see the light bulbs go off for all those who have been struggling with meal planning for so long.

Meal planning has COMPLETELY changed my life - from finances to stress, from being more organized and feeding my family better food. I know it can transform your life too!!

♥︎ Tiffany
Done with the training? Click here to opt out of Meal Planning Made Easy. I'll still send you the weekly newsletter once the training is over unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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