Monday, July 5, 2021

Using data in the pursuit of better health and safety outcomes

Products and services from HSE that help you solve your health and safety challenges

Data-Driven Insights eBulletin

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It's no secret that data is being generated at an ever-increasing rate. Data about us, our lives and our environments is being used to generate information and insights on an unprecedented scale. The Internet of Things is adding hugely to this, with predictions of 75 billion connected devices by 2025, many of them generating their own data streams. The world of health and safety is no exception.

The key to dealing with this wealth of information is to understand it and turn it to your advantage.

At HSE we have always used information in the pursuit of better health and safety outcomes, collating and analysing data to understand incidents or gathering scientific evidence to underpin policy. Now, we are helping other organisations to understand their data and we'd like to tell you all about it.

In this new e-bulletin we'd like your help in understanding what you'd like to read about. We've prepared a short check list to make that easier:

Click here to access the checklist (opens your browser)

Thank you.


HSE offer a range of products and services to help you solve your health and safety challenges:
Guidance and Research; Publications and ProductsTraining and EventsTesting and MonitoringResearch and Consultancy.


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