Sunday, July 11, 2021

Two Delicious DESSERTS!

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Have you ever walked through a field of sunflowers in bloom? I haven't but I've always wanted to. They're such bright and happy flowers! Someday I'll take a trip to Kansas ("The Sunflower State") when the sunflowers are in season and take in that beautiful sight, but until then I'll have to content myself with a traditional and thoroughly delightful Kansan treat: Sunflower seed cookies!

Sweet coconut, chewy oats, and salty toasted sunflower seeds pair in these delicious cookies that are sure to become a new favorite!

A while back I published my recipe for traditional Treacle Tart, a quintessential British dessert that features a wonderfully flaky pastry crust filled with a deliciously gooey, lemon-infused filling.

This famous dessert is too good to pass up and so I've developed this GF version for our gluten free readers.

Treacle Tart is one of our favorite British treats and if you've never had it before (especially homemade) we're confident you're going to love it too!

For our non-GF readers, check out our Traditional Treacle Tart.

Last Week:

This is one of my all-time favorite pasta sauces and it's one that my kids and husband regularly request.

Besides being absolutely delicious, another reason I love this dish is that the sauce can be made well in advance, the flavor only improves with time, and I can double or even triple the recipe so I have leftovers on hand during a busy week (it also freezes well).

Rich and hearty and positively PACKED with flavor, we're confident you're going to love it as much as we do!

For more delicious recipes:

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