Thursday, July 29, 2021

Self-Service Menus in Full-Service Restaurants and Other Miscellaneous Economic Nuggets

Does bank revenue come mostly from fees or interest? The 2017 Economic Census' miscellaneous subjects answer this and other questions.
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America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

A waitress takes a woman's order at a restaurant.

Self-Service Menus in Full-Service Restaurants and Other Miscellaneous Economic Nuggets

One of the more obscure parts of the 2017 Economic Census — the Miscellaneous Subjects reports — may be one of the most intriguing, providing nuggets of data not available anywhere else like the number of full-service restaurants in every state that use e-menus (13,026).

Miscellaneous Subjects reports are among the last on the Economic Census' rolling data release schedule, which is why users are more familiar with the state and local area information that's released first and is at the core of the survey.

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But this lesser-known section provides interesting statistics on dozens of topics for nearly every sector of the economy.

The U.S. Census Bureau started releasing the Miscellaneous Subjects tables late last year on and all tables will be published by this September.

Continue reading to learn more about:

  • Self-service e-menus
  • Credit card income
  • Profits and margins
  • Miscellaneous but interesting facts

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