Monday, July 5, 2021

Ottolenghi's Green Bean Salad….and The Interview

"…gone from one of the naughty girls at school… to a business owner"

"….sent to the principal's office quite a bit…."

Just some little snippets from this interview that appeared in the Sun Herald paper over the weekend along with a very special native ingredients recipe spread!! See below for more. ❤️ - Nagi & Dozer xx

Photo from the Sydney Morning Herald's Sun Herald taken by JAMES BRICKWOOD

Ottolenghi's Green Bean Salad

Get the recipe

The Interview & The Native Ingredients Spread!

This week is NAIDOC week in which we celebrate the history and achievements of our First Nations people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It's not just celebrated by Indigenous communities, but by Australians all over.

In honour of this, yesterday (Sunday 4th of July), a very special project I had been working on for Good Food appeared in Sunday Life. It was a menu made using native Australian ingredients, recipes for home cooks with a "bush tucker" influence!

Rather than rehash my story here in the newsletter (and in the absence of being able to pick up a copy of the paper today!), you can read about this online here along with the recipes that I created.

It was truly an honour to be asked to so this, and I hope that these recipes inspire everyday Australian's like myself to incorporate some ingredients from our "backyard" into your cooking!

The Interview

Along with this, a little interview with yours truly was published in the paper. A very unexpected last minute call up (I guess I was a filler?? πŸ˜‚) for some questions about how I came to do what I do. "What I do" being to run my website as a full time job with the help of my little team.

The interview was published in the weekend paper but it's also online so you can read all about what I naughty kid I was here! - N x

Life of Dozer

Such disrespect!!!!πŸ˜‚

- Nagi x

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