Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Currently January 2021

Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:22 AM PST

Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of

Currently January 2021 in my Currently Workbook. 

What is time these days? This month took forever and then kinda blew by fast. 

When it was raining and we were stuck inside, watching movies was our refuge. We watched a lot of them this month. 

We had to shelter-in-place here in California for COVID. It feels like it’s never going to end. 

This is my January spread in my workbook. 

Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of


Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of


I used my favorite gel pens to color it in. 

Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of


Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of

All the good things that happened this month.

Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of

All the data!

Currently January 2021- -Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of

Let’s get into it! 


Inspired By:

A visit to Annie’s Annuals in Richmond. I started prepping my garden for Spring.

I made a vision board with my word for the year-


When the weather was right, I spent a lot of time outdoors on walks/hikes. I really enjoyed the nighttime hikes I had with Casey.


  • Life Aquatic
  • Royal Tenenbaums
  • Pretend It’s a City
  • Top Gun
  • Friday Night Lights
  • Goliath
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Band of Brothers



Thinking About:

2021, My Mom, my value system, how much therapy has changed my life, THE FUTURE, WHAT AM I DOING HERE ON EARTH??!! Light topics, really. 

Listening To:

Life Aquatic soundtrack to space out to. 

This is actually pretty good. 

Been listening to Elliot Smith nonstop. 

This mix by Bev is fantastic. 

Dream Life:

Dreaming of houses, neighborhoods, my childhood, things on my driveway. I didn’t get the best sleep this month. Stress has been taking the life out of me. 


I spent the whole month tracking what I ate in my food journal.

31/31 days!

Last year I used the food journal to help me during an elimination diet.

This year, I used it to get through the month of stress- eating carbs without gaining weight. Accountability HELPS.

Speaking of carbs…

My friend Neiley dropped a loaf off…

Casey has been making his own pizza dough & pizza this month.

Never ordering pizza delivery again!

Mom’s Lemon chicken made it into the mix. I missed her so it’s one of the best ways to feel her spirit. 

My Everyday Life Week 2 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I brought my Vegan Thumbprint Cookies back into the rotation and took a new photo.

Vegan Thumbprint Cookies

I got a new sourdough starter!

I did a couple of meal preps this month. YAY.

Simple drop biscuits made breakfast feel special this month.

 My Everyday Life Week 2 of 2020- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I share one of my meal prep staples- Herbed Potato Salad. 

Herbed Potato Salad

I ate so much broccoli this month.

I shared the recipe for this Sausage & White Bean Bake.

Sausage White Bean Bake

Salmon rice bowls for me and Casey. 

Eggs from Heather’s chickens came home with me.

Friday could become the new Nacho Night. Not sure.

Staying hydrated all month.

Cornflake Marshmallow Cookies for friends.

Socially distancing.

Grateful For:

  • my health
  • my family
  • the sun after the rain
  • therapy
  • book sales!
  • neighbor friends 

Self Portrait for January:

Have a wonderful February! 

The post Currently January 2021 appeared first on Shutterbean.

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