Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Stats for Stories: December 2020 & January 2021

Official U.S. stats to help you tell stories about Texas, the Holiday Season and more.
Registered United States Census Bureau Logo

December 2020 & January 2021


Today is the 175th anniversary of Texas Statehood. See our Facts for Features (FFF) about The 2020 Holiday Season.



Texas 175th Anniversary of Statehood (1845): December 29

Texas joined the Union on December 29, 1845 as the 28th state. Nickname: The Lone Star State. Motto: Friendship. Now, Texas is the 2nd most populous state.

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Facts For Features: The 2020 Holiday Season

This festive season is a time for celebrating, gift-giving, reflections and thanks. To commemorate, the U.S. Census Bureau presents the following holiday-related facts and figures from its collection of statistics.

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All Stats for Stories for December 2020:

All Stats for Stories for January 2021:

  • National Hot Tea Month: January
  • Utah 125th State Admission Anniversary (1896): January 4
  • National Milk Day: January 11
  • National Pharmacist Day: January 12
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: January 18
  • Popcorn Day: January 19
  • Spouses Day: January 26
  • Kansas 160th State Admission Anniversary (1861): January 29
  • Grammy Awards: January 31
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About Stats for Stories

Stats for Stories (SFS) links you to Census Bureau statistics about current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. These newsworthy and timely stats will help you bring your stories to life.

This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (http://www.census.gov/about/contact-us.html).  

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