Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Becoming an herbalist 🌿


Hi There,


Sometimes, I like to think of my kitchen like a little science lab. Or maybe an ancient apothecary. 


There's a jar of sourdough bubbling.  Homemade sauerkraut ferments on the countertop. Medicinal broths simmer on the stove.  And a bottle of fire cider sits in the cupboard ready to chase away sniffles. 


In a world that feels increasingly disconnected from nature, it feels good to tap into the healing arts of the home. The ones your great-great grandparents knew, but were somehow lost to the industrialization of modern life.


It's empowering.


Now, I didn't grow up this way. You'd be more likely to find a bottle of Robitussin in my childhood home than elderberry syrup. 


Rather, these things I learned on my own (and now teach!).


And I want to share one of the best resources that helped me: The Herbal Academy


Here's why I think you'll like them: 

  • You can go at your own pace. Since the courses are online, you can work through the materials at your own pace.
  • It's good for beginners. So, if you just want to learn a few remedies, there's a really affordable mini-course on simple home remedies.
  • If you want deeper, more advanced knowledge, there's also a course package that dives deep into clinical herbalism.

Right now, their courses are on sale, too.  So, it's a perfect time to get started. I've loved ever class I've taken. 💚


Peace + Wellness,


Jenny McGruther, NTP
Nourished Kitchen


P.S. The sale lasts for just a few more days.  Check it out here.

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