And the result of this constant propaganda? An upside-down world where children lecture you on what you can and cannot say…
...and they try to "educate" YOU about your "old-fashioned" and "mean" ideas.
But you and I know your ideas aren't old-fashioned or mean at all. They are the same biblical values that made America the greatest country on earth.
That's why I'm reaching out to you. Today you have a very special chance to stop the Hollywood groomers who are turning our children and grandchildren against us and the Godly values we love.
Today, I'm inviting you to be a Founding Supporter of the very first children's television show that actively fights back against the groomers in Hollywood AND reinforces the traditional biblical values that made America great.
And it's only possible with the help of motivated Christians who want to see a Christian resurgence in America like you.
Introducing: Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk.
This ground-breaking live-action television show captivates children...
...but more importantly, it builds their character at the same time.
Imagine a children's show that leaves your child or grandchild with a greater sense of right and wrong and an understanding of truth.
Courage, honesty, discernment, forgiveness, empathy, all taught through a biblical and traditional lens.
Imagine a children's show that brings families together instead of driving them apart.
Now imagine YOU are the one who makes that show possible.
Because I can't beat the Hollywood groomers without your help as a Founding Supporter.
Season One of Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk has ten lesson-filled episodes planned.
And each episode costs around $70,000 to produce.
I know that's a lot of money but it's actually a fraction of what it would cost if we made our show with a major Hollywood studio.
And obviously we won't work through Hollywood.
Hollywood has done quite enough already to destroy American culture and hijack our children.
We parents, grandparents, and concerned citizens must take over to rebuild a thriving, healthy, GOOD and GODLY culture.
That's why I'm asking you to contribute $35, $50, $250, $500, or more to help us reach our fundraising goal of $70,000 per episode.
Whether you can send $35, $50,000, or anything in between, or anything higher or lower -- please know that gifts of EVERY size are needed and greatly appreciated.
As your special "Thank You" for joining me as a Founding Supporter at the $35 and above level, we'll send you all ten episodes of Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk for your family to enjoy FREE on DVD.
Hollywood groomers have destroyed America's Godly culture. But today we rebuild from the ashes.
And it starts by ensuring the most innocent among us are filled with faith and family -- not filth.
Thank you for joining us as a Founding Supporter.
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