Thursday, September 19, 2024

📊 Should you use trial & error with your grocery budget?

Hi reader,

This is a quick note to let you know that enrollment for Grocery Budget Bootcamp is open and everything is running smoothly on our end. 

(Unlike the years I've broken the internet - yes, plural.)

⭐  I've gotten your emails for years and would see GBB being offered and think "I should do that." And then I didn't because of the cost. And here I am, years later, and still not doing any better at budgeting on my own, spending too much every month on food. It's time to take the step. It's not going to get better until I do better. That means humbling myself and taking the plunge and doing my best to learn the tools and tricks that I didn't know. Thanks for offering it to us - the time has come!
- Kate

All the details about the course, including:

  • What the course covers (and why it works)
  • Whether or not it's a good fit for you (including diet restrictions and food allergies)
  • The different packages available (and how to get a copy of the workbook!)

… are all on the site.

>> Click HERE to get all the details about Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

Two things I want to mention:

  1. Enrollment is VERY limited and ends Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 11:59 pm PST.
  2. Save $10 off enrollment with coupon SAVE2024 (expires Saturday!)

♥ Tiffany

PS – If you're the type of person who likes to peek at people's grocery carts and hear what others think, you won't want to miss the video testimonials from our previous classes! Click HERE to watch our graduates share their stories!

If you no longer want to hear about Grocery Budget Bootcamp, you can opt out by clicking here. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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