Friday, September 27, 2024

Hit a Weight Loss Plateau? Use These Strategies to Bounce Back and Keep Going!

Hey there reader!

Before I start this email, I want to remind you that the 30-Day Reset & Flourish eBook Bundle is on sale until Sunday night! It won't be on sale again until next year. GRAB IT HERE.

Okay, let's get to it!

Today, I want to share a story with you. πŸ“š

I've only shared it before with my private students. But I thought it could help you think a little differently about weight loss habits and routines. I'm going to try to keep this short.

Anyway, back in October 2010, when I had my "aha moments" and decided that it was time to get serious and start losing weight, I went into the entire process with weight loss as my only goal.

I wasn't really thinking about how the things I was going to do would positively affect my week or how it would necessarily change my life and how I cope and handle things moving forward.

I just wanted to lose weight.

This was me....back then...

As a busy working mom with little kids, I knew that if I was going to lose weight, I needed to make some smart changes.

✅ First, I had to figure out how to prepare healthy, portion-controlled foods to have ready to eat during the week. That's when I discovered the magic of meal prep and freezer prep.

✅ But it wasn't just about having food ready; I also needed to stop overeating. I had to learn how to incorporate healthy, nutrient-dense foods within my calorie range so I wasn't always hungry. That's where MyFitnessPal came in—it wasn't just about tracking what I ate but understanding which types of foods best suited my lifestyle and goals.

✅ I focused on fitting exercise into my schedule and finding ways to stay active throughout the week without feeling constantly stressed or overwhelmed.

✅ Then, I began to establish other habits and routines to create an environment that made losing weight easier.

I used to struggle in what I call "hot zones" which always sabotaged my weight loss efforts in the past.

Over time, I developed what you might call a system—though back then, I didn't think of it that way. I crafted my own plan and program that allowed me to fit weight loss into my busy week without it being overcomplicated or too restrictive. That's what I needed.

Well, it worked!

🀩 By paying close attention to what I ate, planning my meals each week, sticking to meal prepping, and using freezer prep, I lost 40 lbs.

πŸ‘‰ Having my meals ready to go was a game-changer.

πŸ‘‰ I also implemented various organizational tactics that helped me manage life's daily demands and stay out of those stressful "hot zones."

This approach allowed me to make choices that weren't based on stress or feeling overwhelmed.

Instead, I could focus on my long-term goals.

Staying organized and prepared made the difference in making healthier choices and sticking to my weight loss journey.

😳 What ended up happening was pretty amazing—not only did I lose weight, but all the habits and routines I established primarily for weight loss changed my life in so many unexpected ways. Going into this, I didn't even realize its full impact.

➡️ I found myself feeling significantly less stressed in every area of my life.

➡️ I came home from work with energy to spare, felt more vibrant and excited, and even discovered I had more time in my day.

➡️ This newfound time and energy allowed me to create a whole new business.

It was all thanks to sticking with simple, everyday routines and habits that created a supportive environment for achieving my goals. It's incredible how these small changes added up to such big transformations!

Me 10 years later...

Of course, I'm not perfect, so I do slip up sometimes. I've fallen off track and even gained weight. But thanks to the habits and routines that I've seamlessly integrated into my life over the years, I've easily bounced back by simply returning to the basics.

⭐️ Okay, this is where it get's real.

The real power of these habits and routines became evident during a particularly tough time in my life. I went through a divorce, faced three tragic losses within four years, dealt with the challenges of COVID, and experienced menopause—all at once.

During those times, I often felt like I was just surviving. There were days, weeks, and even years when it felt like I was just going through the motions. It was a struggle—a huge struggle.

However, the foundational habits I had built kept me grounded and helped me navigate through these incredibly tough times.

Yes, I definitely gained some weight during that tough time—not all of it back, thankfully.

πŸ™Œ But looking back now, I can honestly say that the habits and routines I established early on, which became a part of who I am, truly saved me in many ways during those challenging seasons of life.

It's funny because, at the time, I didn't realize just how much I was relying on these habits and routines. But now, looking back, I can clearly see how crucial they were. They provided a foundation that kept me going, even when things got really tough.

Let me give you an example from during COVID. We were already dealing with the impacts of death and divorce, and now all my kids were home—it was just chaotic.

🎧 I remember putting my earbuds in and listening to podcasts or music during meal prep. Without knowing it, I was using that meal prep time as my personal escape. It became a part of my week that I really looked forward to—a special time just for myself to focus and enjoy the moment. It became more than just preparing meals; it was a treasured break in my routine where I could truly relax and recharge.

πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️ The same goes for exercise. During the peak of COVID, with the stress of losing loved ones and going through a divorce, there were many times I just didn't feel like pushing myself to exercise at all.

But I knew that taking that time for myself, even if it was just for half an hour, was crucial. Keeping that space sacred for exercise helped me stay focused and clear my head—it was my time to unwind.

So, even though I wasn't running and had somewhat fallen off track with weight training, I walked 5 to 6 days a week, whether for a half hour or an hour. Those walks made a huge difference in my mental health. It was more than just physical activity; it was a lifeline during those tough times.

Here's another example from the start of my weight loss journey.

I quickly learned the value of establishing habits and routines that went beyond just food and exercise. Things like:

πŸ‘‰ Making my bed.

πŸ‘‰ Sticking to a laundry routine.

πŸ‘‰ Maintaining a cleaning schedule.

πŸ‘‰ And, reviewing my calendar each day.

These tasks weren't particularly difficult, but they greatly impacted my daily life.

I incorporated these habits into my routine until they became second nature. So, when life threw challenges my way and times got tough, I had already transformed how I functioned daily. It was easier for me to stick with these practices because they were ingrained habits by then, helping me manage those difficult seasons much more smoothly.

πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️ A couple of years ago, I started to really feel like myself again. I began reflecting on the early days of my journey—remembering the motivation and energy I had.

I was finally starting to heal from the last few years filled with tragedy, sickness, and significant life changes. I felt ready to bounce back and dive back into everything with full force.

That's when it hit me—I never truly fell off track.

Sure, I needed to take a break, to pause, and to take care of myself, but all those habits and routines I'd established not just for weight loss, but for living well, were crucial.

πŸ’ͺ They didn't just help me lose weight; they fundamentally changed how I cope with stress, handle challenges, and protect my mental health and well-being during tough times.

I realized that relying on these habits and routines, the ones I now share in the 30-Day Reset & Flourish Bundle, actually saved me. They kept me from spiraling down and helped me find my way back.

It's these practices that I lean on, teach about, and believe in, because they truly make a difference.

Something really clicked for me in all of this - once you know these strategies, you'll always be able to bounce back.

This is me today. I'm almost 50, and I'm feeling great!

The strategies I teach, believe in, and use myself are tried and true. They're simple, straightforward, and genuinely effective.

While many of us start this journey hoping to lose weight, you'll quickly realize that the impact goes way beyond just shedding pounds.

There is no magic potion or secret formula needed to change your lifestyle. It's not about restrictions or complications.

It really boils down to simple, doable habits you can maintain for life. I've been living this way for over a decade, and the habits and routines I established in 2010 have carried me through many ups and downs.

They've saved me during tough times and have consistently supported all my weight loss and lifestyle goals.

If you're ready to learn more about and start implementing the habits and routines that helped me lose weight and change my life in so many ways, you should check out my 30-Day Reset & Flourish Bundle! It's on sale for just $19 until Sunday night. After that, the price goes back up to $30 - and it's not on sale again until next year.

Want to know what's included in the bundle? Click here to find out more and get started!

Talk to you soon!

Tammy πŸ’•

What others are saying about the 30-Day Reset & Flourish eBook Bundle!

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