Monday, September 11, 2023

I Know How to Lose Weight, But.......

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We've all been conditioned to believe in order to lose weight, we need to control what we're eating. 

And I'm sure you've lost weight on any and every program you've tried,  but once the program or "diet" is done...........well, you know all too well what happens. You have that one treat because you've been so good and boom, you are back to all your old habits and the weight you've lost, comes back on.

Diets keep us very focused on food… On WHAT we're eating.

I'm not going to argue that nutritious eating isn't important. But if nutrition guidelines worked (whether evidence-based, or not) then none of us would be struggling with weight.

Improving WHAT you're eating is just one part of the weight loss puzzle. I bet you've spent a significant amount of time learning about nutrition and trying to change what you eat. Many women have a whole bookshelf dedicated to diet and nutrition books.

So is that really your problem?

Improving your thoughts around when, how and why you are eating is actually more important to losing weight and keeping it off.

Do these behaviors sound familiar?
  • You do well all day, but can't stay out of the pantry at night.
  • You have your weekday habits dialed in, but weekends are a free for all.
  • Mid-afternoon you rotate between the fridge, the pantry, and that secret treat stash your kids don't know about.
  • When you sit down to eat a meal you're sometimes are still full from the last time you ate.
  • You often find yourself eating quickly and/or chaotically.
  • You sometimes find yourself so full of food and stuffed, you feel sick.
Emotional eaters often describe feeling chaotic or out of control. They wonder, "I know what to do… Why don't I do it?"  They feel powerless to their cravings and the volume of food they're eating.

The diet industry tells us when we fail, we just need to try harder. So we pursue more and more extreme diets (in the name of "health") and pretty soon you end up starving yourself to lose weight. 

But the more emphasis you've put on WHAT you're eating, the more extreme you've probably become.

Instead of focusing just on what you eat, what if you focused on improving the thoughts around why you eat when you're upset, or angry or tired or bored? This looks like…
  • Addressing your relationship with food
  • Balancing your blood sugar with a whole food diet
  • Getting out of restrict/binge cycles
  • Slowing down while eating
  • Learning to recognize, and respond to, your hunger and satiety cues
  • Overcoming emotional eating
This is what I teach in my Sugar Free Tribe Membership.

When you join the Sugar Free Tribe membership, you get immediate access to my signature Sugar Detox course, plus you get:
1. Live weekly group coaching with me!
2. Two live weekly accountability meetings to stay on track!
3. Email support!
4. A complimentary private coaching meeting in your first 30 days!
5. Private FB group for 24/7 support and community!
6. Ability to join in every time throughout the year to do the 6 week course together as a group! Next class begins 9/27/23!

My Signature 6 week Sugar Detox Course starts in 2 weeks on September 27th. When you join the Sugar Free Tribe membership, you join a supportive group of people with the same goal in mind, getting rid of the "diet" mentality and learning to live life without emotional eating for lasting weight loss.

Right now it's only $99 to Join!! This price won't last long!!

Learn more about the Sugar Free Tribe membership

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